The following documents provide additional details regarding the WPCA Sewer Project Update given at the Board of Governors scheduled meeting on February 8, 2021. Click LINKS in blue.
WPCA Regular Meeting Minutes – 01/28/2021
(Previously posted under WPCA Meeting Minutes
WPCA January 2021 Meeting Minutes
Bid Process with Estimated Weeks to Complete
2021-02-05 Bid Process with estimated weeks to complete
Draft of Changes – Shared Infrastructure – Amendment #2 History
2021-01-26 Draft of changes to Shared #2 B40_20210126_OL Amendment No. 2 History
Draft of Changes – OLSBA Infrastructure – Amendment #6 History
2021-01-27 Draft of changes B10_20210127_DRAFT OLSBA Amendment No. 6 History
Fuss & O’Neil OLSBA Stormwater Improvements
(Previously posted under WPCA Updates)
2021-01-23 JDH-KCM edits F& O OLSBA SW Improvements Overview
WPCA Chairman’s Notes for the BOG Meeting