
The Beach Committee is responsible for maintenance of the beach area and all association owned beach assets. The Committee also vets, manages, and enforces contractor obligations relating to beach maintenance. The Committee shall create an annual beach budget addressing both short and long term beach related improvement projects.


  • TBD
  • TBD

Capital Planning

The Capital Planning Committee is responsible for developing a rolling ten year capital improvements plan. The plan should address funding, costs, schedules, requirements, responsibilities, dependencies, priorities, and reporting.  The Capital Planning Committee shall collaborate with other Committees to incorporate their needs.


  • TBD
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The Communications Committee is responsible for building and maintaining the Association website, information distribution, and social media maintenance and updates. The Communications committee shall enlist members of the Association community to contribute to the improvement of the website and its content.


  • TBD
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The Drainage Committee is responsible for developing a strategic plan to addressing the drainage needs of property within the Association. The Committee shall work with state and town agencies to secure funding, approvals, permits, repairs, or enhancements. The Committee shall work with adjoining property owners on drainage projects affecting boundary areas. The Committee shall manage contractors engaged to perform needed drainage functions.


  • TBD
  • TBD


Describe the committee


  • TBD
  • TBD


The Recreation Committee is responsible for designing, planning, and implementing a summer recreation program for the children of the Association.


  • TBD
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The Security Committee is responsible for enforcing all conduct rules of the Association, vetting of potential contractors to perform needed security functions, enforcement of any associated security vendor contacts, budgeting for annual expenses or long term improvements.


  • TBD
  • TBD

Special Projects

From time to time, the Association may have cause to assign board members to a Special Projects Committee to investigate and report on new initiatives relating to the improvement of the Association. The most recent such effort related to investigation of the Water Pollution Control Authority requirements.


  • TBD
  • TBD


The Traffic Committee is responsible for enforcing Association road rules, including speeding and vehicle restrictions.


  • TBD
  • TBD