WPCA 2021 Meeting Schedule
OLD LYME SHORES WATER POLLUTION CONTROL AUTHORITY MEETING SCHEDULE REGULAR MEETINGS A meeting of the WPCA will be convened when there is a quorum of four or more members in attendance. A regular monthly meeting schedule will be posted on the OLS website...
Update: Revolving Fund Assistance for Well Owners
Attached is the Joint Application Agreement between OLS and CWC for DPH State Revolving Funds. We are seeking grant funding to assist well owners to convert to the new CWC water mains. ( lateral connections, house service connections, and well abandonment). Also...
Project Update – December 9, 2020
Project Update 12_9_20 ^ Click link to open document December 2020 Dear Fellow OLS Member; As the year comes to a close, we hope this letter finds you and your family safe and well. Although we have faced many challenges this year, we finally witnessed actual shovels...
Typical Septic System Abandonment & Sewer Hookups
Typical Septic Abandonment & Sewer Hookup_Rev 10-2020 ^ Click link to open the document OLSBA Typical Septic System Abandonment & Sewer Hookups Homeowner Responsibility - Sewers It is the responsibility of the homeowner, at their expense, to connect their...
Pump Station Odor Control Station
Pump Station Odor Control Station_Rev 10-2020 ^ Click link to open document Pump Station Odor Control System - Why is it necessary? Eliminates odors Prevents corrosion in downstream collection system Overcomes safety concerns associated with atmospheric hydrogen...
WPCA Board Responses to OLS Resident Questions & Issues
Issues raised by residents at the October 24, 2020 WPCA Meeting
OLSBA Overall Project Cost Breakdown (9/08/20)
2020 Sep 8_OLSBA Overall PROJECT COST Breakdown
2020 September 12 WPCA report
WPCA Report Old Lyme Shore Beach Association Fall Meeting September 12, 2020 Pump Station / Shared Infrastructure Town of Old Lyme reviewed an easement for sewer pipes to go through Sound View streets and Gorton Ave (Odor Control Station) at the September 8 BOS public...
OLS Timetable Milestones June 20, 2020
2020 June 20 OLS TIMETABLE SCHEDULE 0620_OLSBA Schedule Milestones-001 PROJECT MILESTONES OLD LYME SHORES BEACH ASSOCIATION SEWERS AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT 20101210.B10 06/20/2020 I) Schedule Milestones A) Connecticut Environmental Protection Act Review...
Shared Infrastructure Timetable Milestones June 20, 2020
2020 June 20 SHARED INFRASTRUCTURE TIMETABLE SCHEDULE Milestones (1) PROJECT MILESTONES OLD LYME SHARED INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT 20101210.B40 6/20/2020 I) Schedule Milestones A) Connecticut Environmental Protection Act Review Completed – October 2, 2017 B)...