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WPCA Agenda 5-27-2021

Link to agenda ---> WPCA Agenda 5-27-2021 WPCA Virtual Meeting May 27, 2021 7:30 pm Agenda Location: Join Zoom Meeting Or Dial in: 929-205-6099  Meeting ID: 899 3616 7375 Passcode: 794818...

WPCA Regular Meeting Agenda 3-25-2021

WPCA Regular Meeting (Virtual) March 25, 2021 7:30 pm Agenda Location: Join Zoom Meeting Or, Dial In: 929 205 6099 Meeting ID: 812 9112 5558 Password:  970064 2021-03-25 WPCA AgendaR2 ^ CLICK...

WPCA Meeting Agenda – December 14, 2019

MEETING POSTING OLD LYME SHORES WPCA MEETING AGENDA Joe Halloran, Chair, WPCA 9:00 AM, December 14, 2019 14 Saltaire Dr., OLD LYME, CT I. Approval of Minutes of November 23, 2019 II. Public Hearing A. Introduction of Issues by WPCA B. Focus on Issues: i. Benefit...

WPCA Meeting Agenda – November 23, 2019

MEETING POSTING OLD LYME SHORES WPCA MEETING AGENDA Joe Halloran, Chair, WPCA 9:00 AM, November 23, 2019 14 Saltaire Dr., OLD LYME, CT 1. Approval of Minutes of the September 4, 2019 Meeting 2. Update of Activities a. Agreement for Old Lyme to join CSA b. IWWC...

WPCA Meeting Agenda – September 4th, 2019

OLD LYME SHORES WPCA MEETING POSTING AGENDA When: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2019,  1:00 PM Where: 14 Saltaire Dr.  Old Lyme, CT   This meeting will consist of a discussion with our contracted engineering company, Fuss and O’Neil, concerning plans and schedules for...

WPCA Meeting Agenda – August 17th, 2019

MEETING POSTING OLD LYME SHORES WPCA MEETING AGENDA 9:00 AM, August 17, 2019 14 Saltaire Dr., OLD LYME, CT 1. Approval of Minutes of the May 18, 2019 Meeting 2. Financial Update & Acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report 3. Update on Project Progress a. Pump Station...

WPCA Meeting Minutes 3-25-2021

THE MARCH 25, 2021 MEETING MINUTES ARE POSTED BELOW.  PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE ARE TWO LINKS/ATTACHMENTS PROVIDED AFTER THE MINUTES Link to meeting minutes -->  WPCA 3-25-2021 Meeting Minutes ____________________________________ OLSBA - WPCA MEETING MINUTES When:...

WPCA Meeting Minutes February 25, 2021

Meeting Minutes for February includes several links, found at the bottom of this page. LINK to Minutes Document---->  WPCA Meeting Minutes 2-25-2021 (2) __________________________________________ OLSBA- WPCA MEETING MINUTES When: February 25, 2021 Where: Virtual...

WPCA Meeting Minutes January 28, 2021

WPCA January 2021 Meeting Minutes WPCA January FS 2021 OLSBA- WPCA MEETING MINUTES  When: January 28, 2021 7:30pm Where: Virtual Meeting via Zoom/Teleconference The meeting was called to order at 7:31pm by Joe Halloran, WPCA Chairman. WPCA members present: Joe...

May 25, 2020 WPCA minutes

2020 May 25 WPCA Meeting Minutes of Meeting 5_25_20 Minutes of Meeting OLS WPCA May 25, 2020 On-line Zoom Meeting Members Participating: Joe Halloran, Chair, Tom Annulli, Pat Burns, John Cunningham, Bob Palazzo, Jack Reynolds, and Ex Officio, Matt Merritt Joe Halloran...

Minutes of the WPCA meeting 12.14.2019

OLD LYME SHORES BEACH ASSOCIATION WPCA MINUTES OF MEETING   When:  December 14, 2019 Where:  14 Saltaire Dr. Old Lyme, CT Members Present:  Joe Halloran, Dede DeRosa, John Cunningham, Tom Annulli, Jack Reynolds, Bob Palazzo (9:26 arrival) and Matt Merritt, ex...

WPCA Meeting Minutes – November 23rd, 2019

OLD LYME SHORES BEACH ASSOCIATION WPCA MINUTES OF MEETING When: November 23, 2019 Where: 14 Saltaire Dr. Old Lyme, CT Members Present: Joe Halloran, Dede DeRosa, John Cunningham, Tom Annulli, Jack Reynolds, Pat Burns and Bob Palazzo Joe Halloran called the meeting to...