Link to agenda –> WPCA Meeting Agenda 11-18-2021

OLSBA WPCA Monthly Meeting Agenda
November 18, 2021 at 7:30pm

Location: Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 863 5645 8912
Passcode: 242685

Dial: (929) 205 6099 


Call to Order

Approval of minutes of October 28, 2021 meeting

Treasurers Report

Sewer Project Status

  • Developing Options for eventual consideration and vote by OLSBA membership
  • Considering delaying the project to afford opportunity to explore funding opportunities and develop strategies

Exit Strategy/Contingency Planning

  • Meeting with our attorney to ensure understanding of their opinions, and to resolve questions.  (TBD)

Old Lyme Sewer Project Stakeholders Meeting

  • Highlights: Virtual meeting on Friday, November 5, 2021, organized by Fuss and O’Neill and attended by the beach associations, the Town of Old Lyme, DEEP, and CT Treasury.


Resident Comments


NOTE: Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting 12/16/2021