BOG Meeting Minutes_05/06/2021

Thursday , May  6th, 2021 – 7:00pm BOG in attendance:  Matt Merritt (MM), Bryan Even (BE), MaryKate Reynolds (MKR), Tom Annulli (TA) arr. 7:10 pm, Norm Yester (NY), Joe Halloran (JH), Joanne Gilland (JG), Al Roy (AR) Missing: Cliff Winkel (CW) Guests: plus 32...

BOG Meeting Agenda_5/04/2021

Please take notice that there will be a BOG meeting on Tuesday May 4 at 7:00 PM.  It will be held via Zoom and the log on credentials are as follows: Topic: OLSBOG Meeting Time: May 4, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting...

BOG Meeting Minutes_04/05/2021

  04/05/2021 OLSBA BOG Meeting Minutes Via Zoom BOG in attendance: Matt Merritt (MM), Bryan Even (BE), MaryKate Reynolds (MKR), Tom Annulli (TA), Norm Yester (NY), Joe Halloran (JH), Joanne Gilland (JG), Al Roy (AR), Cliff Winkel (CW) Missing: Pat Burns (PB) Guests:...

BOG Meeting Minutes_02/08/21

02/08/2021 OLSBA BOG Meeting Minutes Via Zoom BOG in attendance:  Matt Merritt (MM), Pat Burns (PB), Bryan Even (BE), MaryKate Reynolds (MKR), Tom Annulli (TA), Norm Yester (NY), Joe Halloran (JH), Joanne Gilland (JG), Al Roy (AR) Missing: Cliff Winkel (CW) Guests: 30...