04/05/2021 OLSBA BOG Meeting Minutes

Via Zoom

BOG in attendance:

  • Matt Merritt (MM), Bryan Even (BE), MaryKate Reynolds (MKR), Tom Annulli (TA), Norm Yester (NY), Joe Halloran (JH), Joanne Gilland (JG), Al Roy (AR), Cliff Winkel (CW)
  • Missing: Pat Burns (PB)
  • Guests: 30 plus OLSBA Members via Zoom

MMcalled the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.

Minutes from 02/08/21 OLS BOG Meeting were approved (TA/JH)

Treasurer’s Report-(NY)

  •  YTD Financials
    • Everything including outstanding taxes looks in order and to date in a good position
  • Still waiting upon OLS private funding; $800K – $1.2M
    • (TA)-consists of mostly connection fees to East Lyme, New London and Waterford- cannot be bonded therefore must be privately funded

Sewer Project Update-(JH)-

For updates, meeting minutes, and important information, visit the WPCA Overview Page on the OLSBA web.

  • Thanked Dede DeRosa and Al Roy for work on updating and adding to the website; goal is to provideas much info in one location for members to review
  • JH provided and read a resolution authorizing the president of the association to sign the necessary CWF financing contract and documents on behalf of OLS

A motion was made and seconded and approved to accept the resolution (BE/TA)


  • JH- reviewed bond counsel with the other beaches to consolidate legal representation; will result in streamlined communications and assist with closing costs and save money
    • A motion was made and seconded and approved (JH/TA) to have firm Shipman & Goodwin as our bond attorney for the CWF and DWSRF


  • JH reviewed Fuss and O’Neill acting as our agent to manage the DPH Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (DWSRF) grant that we anticipate receiving for our well owners. Department of Public Health provides the grant to incentivize residents to abandon their wells and join city water
    • A motion was made and approved to have Fuss & O’Neill manage the DPH DWSRF grant (JH/TA)


  • Timing of shared infrastructure process- 2 week review of bid documents by the DEEP- now in second month of review; anticipate the go ahead to go out to bid; construction to start in late August /September along Route 156
  • Old Lyme Shores CWF- Construction bid package- submitted to DEEP on Feb 25- DEEP focusing on the shared bid – we will not have any construction during summer months of 2021
  • A motion was made and seconded and approved (TA/NY) to transfer $15,000 to WPCA for the Shared Infrastructure Reserve fund



A motion was made and seconded (TA/BE) to transfer $20,000 from operating account back into reserve account funds that were transferred at the start of summer 2020 due to thoughts that finances would be tight due to COVID

Nominating Committee

TA-Patrick Burns resigning at the end of April- leaves an additional open seat (3 year term) on the BOG (along with an opening on the WPCA board)- 3 year term; pleading for members to become involved.

MM presidency ends in June 2021; discussed with attorney Bill McCoy the possibility of the extension of the president’s term;

Attorney said it had happened before with a former OLS president in 2013 and a member vote would have to be had at the annual meeting to change the rule.

Discussion by board members mentioned the need to have continuity especially because of the projects, strength in established relationships, getting town and state contracts in place, etc.


All BOG members supported extension of MM ‘s presidency on the board and bringing it to a membership vote at the Spring meeting.

Water valve keys– (AR)-

[AR amended comments from meeting regarding water valve keys:

According to CTW, their water turn-on procedure will follow the same process as previous years.  They create a unique work order to open their curb-stop valve for each seasonal customer.  As in past years, each resident will then need to hire someone or operate their own stop & waste valve to activate service to their home.  One difference this year is the type of water “key” needed to operate the customer stop & waste valve.

Also, it’s important to note first and foremost that the OLSBA has no shared business association with CTW with respect to their customer operations, policies, or procedures, and the OLSBA or WPCA are not acting as an agent or advisor on behalf of CTW. ]


Beach Issues – cleaning, shells, boats, raft, ect.

Meeting to discuss the beach in order for the upcoming season; cleaner wants to add a sifter to the machine to address the shells; will need to move away sand this year again but will want to look into the storage of the sand for people to use when their septics are abandoned


Guards BE and TA are reaching out to secure veteran guards and trainees;cost saved last year by changing approach; schedule similar to last year; similar recruiting discussion; last year unique issues due to Covid

Fate of 2021 beach activities

Unknown due to Covid and asssociation will echo the governor’s directives (even the annual meeting if it can even be inside )

Street Sweeping

Roads north of 156 need attention and sweeping

Speed Tables -BE

  • 2019 association asked the board to look at speed control- board looked at speed tables; board decided to not vote on speed tables or not and to pass onto the association as a whole;
  • Speed tables designed to reduce speed- a longer table to support traffic that goes 25-30 mph; shorter tables used to design traffic 15 mph- 10 ½ x 14 table with on and off ramp will slow vehicles and would not jostle or damage cars
    • Height of the table at the highest point is 3 inches from the road- portable or asphalt system 3 ½ foot ramp and 3 ½ feet down
    • Can be secured with adhesive and spikes and could be removed for the winter months or go with the asphalt which can be designed to spec;
    • Number/placement and cost- multiple options available
    • Pricing information for modular- approx. 2500 dollars
    • CW- wants to consider removable ones but may be more money and should be decided upon before presented at the spring meeting

CW- discussion of gates- feels that they need to be updated; stop sign on 156 is missing and one should be replaced; wants it to be done at a minimal cost to the association;



Open Discussion

Kathy Olsen- would like to see an example of speed table in a surrounding town and send a notice over to the members to drive over one of these;

Dian Vaughan- Do we know if Speed tables require indentations for ambulances? Bryan has seen them in CT without the indentations. He will find out.  DV feels that they create cars to swerve around them.



Meeting was adjourned at 8:34 PM (TA/ MKR)


Minutes respectfully submitted by Joanne Gilland, OLSBA Secretary