by dede.derosa | Sep 27, 2023 | WPCA, WPCA Document
The proposed plans for the Bioxide Station and OLSBA Storage Building are details in the attached. The storage building would be built in exchange for the easement on OLSBA property on Gorton Ave. Link to design plan —> Gorton Ave Easment...
by dede.derosa | Sep 25, 2023 | WPCA, WPCA Update
This update provides a letter recently sent by CT DEEP to the Sound View Sewer Coalition for your review and information. The letter provides historical context and rationale for the determination that a “community pollution problem” exists within the...
by dede.derosa | Sep 25, 2023 | WPCA, WPCA Document
RESOLVED: AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AWATER POLLUTION CONTROL AUTHORITY That the following ordinance establishing a Water Pollution Control Authority be adopted: SECTION 1: Pursuant to the provisions of Connecticut General Statutes Chapter 103 The Old Lyme Shores...
by dede.derosa | Sep 1, 2023 | WPCA, WPCA Meeting, WPCA Meeting Minutes
Link to meeting minutes –> WPCA Meeting Minutes 8-22-2023 OLSBA WPCA QUARTERLY BOARD MEETING – DRAFT MAY 23, 2023 7:00PM via ZOOM CALL TO ORDER Al Roy called the meeting to order at 7:03pm. Members of the board present in addition to Al were Tom...
by dede.derosa | Aug 21, 2023 | WPCA, WPCA Document, WPCA Meeting Agenda, WPCA Update
The attached letter was received late today from DEEP regarding the potential for additional sewer funding. This opportunity will be included on the agenda and discussed at tomorrow’s (8/22) WPCA meeting at 7pm. Please refer to the previously published WPCA...