Link to meeting minutes –> WPCA Meeting Minutes 6-24-2021
When: June 24, 2021
Where: Virtual Meeting via Zoom/Teleconference
The meeting was called to order at 7:32pm by Al Roy, WPCA Chairman.
WPCA Members present: Al Roy, Dede DeRosa, Tom Annulli, John Cunningham, Matt Merritt (ex-officio). Absent: Bob Palazzo, Sue Mahoney.
In addition, approximately 11 additional OLS residents were on the call.
Meeting Minutes
A motion was made by Tom Annulli to accept the minutes of the May 27, 2021 WPCA meeting. Dede DeRosa seconded the motion and the minutes were unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Tom Annulli reviewed the May balance sheet and income statement in detail and provided the Board with the most recent bank statement for review. In addition, due to our current status with the sewer project, Tom has provided a separate exhibit with WPCA expenditures to date and association liabilities to be repaid if the project does not move forward. Liabilities include all state loans and grants and reflects the worst case scenario if the State requires grants to be repaid. Tom stated that he will update this exhibit monthly. All statements are attached to these meeting minutes.
Tom requested the Board to accept the Treasurer’s report. Dede seconded the motion and the report was approved unanimously.
Transition of Chairman
Joe Halloran officially passed the chairmanship to Al Roy at the close of the OLSBA Annual Meeting on June 19, 2021. At that time Matt Merritt recognized Joe’s nearly 10 years of dedicated service to OLS. Al reiterated that Joe’s tireless attention to detail was truly instrumental in moving the project from planning, to design, and most recently, to construction-ready status. Joe volunteered an incredible number of hours coordinating with the three beach associations, the Town, F&O, our attorneys, and various state and local agencies. Al expressed his gratitude to Joe and his predecessors.
WPCA Membership and Terms
Al reviewed the WPCA board membership and terms with the group. An updated exhibit is attached to these minutes containing WPCA Members and contact information. There is currently a vacancy due to Joe Halloran’s retirement.
Summer Meeting Schedule
The Board discussed the possibility of moving the day/time of WPCA Meetings. The members present unanimously agreed to keep the meeting as scheduled on Thursday evenings. It was also agreed to continue to utilize Zoom for these meetings.
Shared Project Update
Clean Water Fund (CWF) Application: The last of several prerequisites are complete, including attorney confirmation that all project related property acquisitions and easements have been secured. The Flood Management Certificate (FMC) was received from DEEP and we await a related Structures, Dredging and Fill (SDF) Permit. AMTRAK has issued a letter of approval following a lengthy, arduous, any delay-ridden request process. We still await the required Pipe and Wire Permit from AMTRAK and have enlisted support from the leadership at DEEP to intervene on our behalf.
Shared Infrastructure Bid: Al reviewed the decision of the members of the Cost Sharing Agreement (CSA) to rebid the project as three separate projects. This will allow us to scrutinize the bids in finer detail and identify specific cost drivers, and will demonstrate due diligence in our collective objective of moving the project forward. We expect this approach will attract a larger number of bids from interested contractors who may have expertise in specific areas of construction. DEEP reviewed and recently approved our proposal to rebid as three projects. We expect to advertise the contracts by August 1, with a 45-day bid deadline. We will then advertise the OLSBA internal gravity sewer project by September 1. A thorough bid review will be completed, and appropriate path(s) forward identified. We intend to provide a comprehensive update by the fall OLSBA annual meeting.
Another in a long list of complications surfaced recently. The CT DOT has two bridge replacement projects entering the final design phase, and these bridges (Four Mile River and Armstrong Brook) are in the path of the force main on route 156. F&O has already made provisions to interface with the new bridge structures, and coordination efforts are ongoing.
The Town of Old Lyme (OL) is making progress to amend the Inter-Municipal Agreement (IMA ) with East Lyme and New London, and sign-off is expected soon. A signed amendment to the original IMA is one of the many prerequisites to OL joining the existing CSA. One additional remaining step is for OL to secure CWF funding after completion of the design phase of their internal project.
OLSBA Internal Sewer Project
We will advertise this contract by September 1, with a 45-day response deadline. Like the shared project, we expect several contractors will respond. Final approval from DEEP to advertise the project was delayed to allow all involved to focus on analysis of the bids received for the shared project and to consider alternative next steps. We expect final approval to advertise from DEEP very soon.
Wells- Department of Health
As reported at the last meeting, Connecticut Water (CTW) rescinded their agreement to be the recipient of federal funds on behalf of OLSBA, due to internal business concerns. These funds were intended to incentivize well owners to connect to CTW by defraying costs through a partial grant and low interest loan. Working with F&O, we are in communication with DPH and await further direction.
Website Update
New information is being posted on a routine basis. Al said the near-term focus is to begin populating the “Contracts” section of the website with the numerous and myriad agreements and contracts collected over the years.
Dede reviewed three emails that have been received since the last meeting:
From: Terence Munnelly <>
To: “” <>
Date: 06/10/2021 12:56 PM
Subject: Question
Joe—At the most recent WPCA zoom meeting, you mentioned that the DPH conveyed to you a statement that they would “encourage” —not demand—well owners to hook up to the new CWC water pipes.
Unfortunately, the minutes of the meeting do not mention it and on perusing the documents on our website, i cannot find it.
If possible, can you provide me with a hard copy of that correspondence.
Thanks, Terry Munnelly
311 Brightwater Rd
There are two letters (6/29/2020 and 3/18/2021) from the Department of Health detailing the DPH position on wells that have been posted to under the “Information for Private Well Owners” section.
On 06/20/2021 8:05 PM Mark Bernacki <> wrote:
Great job presenting the OLS WPCA project!
U and Al definitely calmed a lot of angst within our beach community.
Thank u again for 10 years of dedicated service and leadership to OLS!!
A comment was made by Al that a third option may be individual engineered septic systems and forgo the project?
If this is true u know Maria and I had Duncan Downie install our “new” engineered septic system around 10 year ago. It’s a large financial nut for us to spend over $22,000 for a new system PLUS another $39,000-$50,000 on top of that for sewers.
Do u think DEEP and DPH will consider this ?
Mark Bernacki
Our goal is to ensure the water quality of Long Island Sound. We have a consent order from DEEP to clean up the sound and DEEP is funding the cleanup through the Clean Water Fund program for sewers. However, if the price exceeds our bond referendum, we have to work with DEEP to obtain additional alternatives or funding. OLS could have an association vote to increase the bonding, or pursue with DEEP other financing alternatives or combinations- one of which could be increased septic pumping. The Beaches are optimistic that the rebidding will enable us to continue the 10+ year sewer project.
To: “” <>
Cc: “” <>
Date: 06/20/2021 9:23 AM
Subject: OLS-WPCA
Hello Joe:
It was a great meeting and your team did a wonderful job in explaining the many details.
A suggestion for the Board to consider, send a letter to the Governor.
This project is about 12 years old not because of anything we have done. The State DEP failed to take ownership of this project and allowed the Town to dictate its whims that had no basis in reality. OLS is now faced with financing approvals that are 12 years old and clearly inadequate and beyond the capability of some home owners to afford. If nothing else, the Governor will get the various State agencies to make this a number one priority and will further prevent possible delays by the Town. The Governor should know that one of the options being considered by the residents of OLS is to abort the project and each homeowner be made to pay $4,200 for getting nothing.
Hate to be a voice crying out in the wilderness.
Thank you
Jack Thomas
29 Sea Spray
If our new bids are too high, one of our options should be a public relations campaign to garner support for additional funding.
Resident Comment
There were no comments made.
A motion to adjourn was made by Al Roy, Dede DeRosa seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 8:10pm.
Link to Financial Exhibits –>WPCA May Financial Statements
Link to WPCA Board Member Contacts –> Members OLSBA WPCA 2021