Meeting Minutes for February includes several links, found at the bottom of this page.

LINK to Minutes Document—->  WPCA Meeting Minutes 2-25-2021 (2)



When: February 25, 2021
Where: Virtual Meeting via Zoom/Teleconference

The meeting was called to order at 7:32pm by Joe Halloran, WPCA Chairman.

WPCA members present: Joe Halloran, Al Roy, Tom Annuilli, Dede DeRosa, Patrick Burns, John Cunningham, Matt Merritt (ex-officio). Absent: Bob Palazzo.

In addition, approximately 30 OLS residents were on the call.

Meeting Minutes

A motion was made by Tom Annuilli to accept the minutes of the January 28, 2021 WPCA Meeting along with the Chairman’s WPCA Update to the BOG dated February 8, 2021. Patrick Burns seconded the motion and the minutes were unanimously approved.

Treasures’s Report

Tom Annuilli reviewed the most recent WPCA financial statements. (Attached as LINK)

Tom also reported that discussions have continued with several banking institutions in efforts to secure private funding for project costs that are not eligible for State of CT bonding (primarily drainage and Inter-municipal Agreements). Westfield Bank has recently surfaced as a possible funding source as they are looking to expand into CT. No commitment has been reached yet but we expect to complete negotiations in the next 2-3 months.

Dede DeRosa made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report, Al Roy seconded the motion. The Treasurer’s Report was unanimously approved.

Shared Infrastructure Update – Pump House and Force Main

A bid process checklist has been developed and is available for review on the OLS website.

The bid package has been submitted to DEEP for review on 2/5/2021. The review process takes about four weeks therefore we expect to go to bid the first week of March. We will be utilizing an electronic portal to send and received bids from contractors. There will be approximately six months before actual construction will begin. We are required by the State of CT to accept the lowest responsible bid. The decision on the contractor to be used for the shared infrastructure will be made by OLS, Old Colony and Miami beaches. We will need to apply for the Clean Water Funds loan upon bid acceptance. The loan will need to be approved by the State of CT and Treasurer. We anticipate work will begin on Route 156 in late-August.

Amendment #2 (attached as LINK) to the F&O Shared Infrastructure contract was presented to the board. The primary reason for the amendment is to approve costs associated with inspections and local representation for the construction as required by the State which was a “TBD” in the original Fuss & O’Neill Contract. The proposed amendment has been in negotiations with the three beaches and F&O for some time and was recently reduced from the original submission.

The Chairman requested a motion to approve Amendment #2 for the Shared Infrastructure contract per the detailed documentation provided to each board member prior to the meeting. Dede DeRosa made the motion, Al Roy seconded and the contract amendment was approved unanimously.

Finally, it was noted that the Town of Old Lyme is not yet officially part of the Cost-Sharing Agreement; we have a letter of intent from the Town to join.

Old Lyme Shores Sewer Project Update

The bid process for the OLS Project is following a similar process and timeline as the Shared Infrastructure Project. The bid package is being reviewed in depth by Joe Halloran, Patrick Burns and Bob Palazzo.

Similar to the Shared Services Project, F&O submitted a contract amendment #6 (attached as LINK) for the OLS Sewer Project primarily for increased costs related to resident representation and negotiation support with OL and other towns. The Chairman requested a motion to approve the amendment in accordance with the documentation provide to the board. Patrick Burns made the motion, Tom Annuilli seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.

Al Roy gave an update on the work he has undertaken with John Cunningham to upgrade the OLS website providing for more WPCA content and better organization. This is a multi-boring effort to improve communication and plan for the construction and post-construction phases of the project. Residents can expect to see incremental improvement as changes roll out.

The storm drainage plan has been posted on the website for those who are interested.

Wells – Department of Health/Ledge Light/DEEP

The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DRSRF) application was approved but DPH and then sent to PURA (Public Utility Regulatory Authority) and is on the docket for review. DPH is pushing for as many well owners as possible to connect to public water service and abandon wells. F&O has been working with us on managing this process.


Kathi Stickley sent an email to the BOG and WPCA on 2/14/2021 that referenced the very serious problems that Trumbull encountered with their sewer project. (Email attached as LINK)

Joe Halloran responded that the Town of Trumbull had some unique problems due to utilizing Trumbull’s bid process (vs. the State of CT), conflict of interest between awarding party and contractor, selection of an unqualified contractor. We believe we have strong checks and balances due to having oversight by three beach communities, various state agencies and a well respected engineering firm.

Kathi once again recommended that we spend additional money to engage another third party for oversight.

Resident Comments

Jay Moynihan raised a concern about delayed responses to his FOIA requests.

The WPCA is working hard to make all public information generally available to residents. Due to the extra effort involved, and in the interest of full transparency, the board would like to avoid “one off” requests. Addressing information requests during scheduled meetings affords all board members and residents equal opportunity to hear both the nature of the inquiry and the official Board response. We understand our responsibility is to provide a requestor with an intent to comply within four days and provide requested information in a reasonable timeframe. As stated previously, all requests should be sent to Dede DeRosa and she will work with the board make the desired documents/information available.

Jay also raised concerns with the purchase of 73 Portland Ave. (pump station location) and the use of the OLS property on Gorton Ave. for the Bioxide shed. He challenged whether the BOG had the authority to purchase property and grant easements without a full association vote.

This issue was also raised at the February BOG meeting and Matt Merritt will be following up with a formal response. Note that verification of all easements is required for our Clean Water Fund submission.

Jack Reynolds raised complaints about the board process.

Our Chairman, using clarifying questions, attempted to understand the exact nature and substance of the issues being raised, and provided appropriate responses on behalf of the Board. The entire Board is committed to exercising due diligence in reviewing the project bid documents, determining the “lowest responsible bid” as mandated by the State of CT, and to responsible review and processing of all requests for project related payments.

Kathi Stickley asked whether Old Colony and Miami Beach are going out to bid at the same time as OLS.

There are four separate sewer projects (five when the Soundview Project begins). We are collaborating with OC and Miami on the Shared Infrastructure bids, and each beach will have their own internal infrastructure project. OLS will be the first beach area going out to bid.

Joe Halloran made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Dede DeRosa seconded the motion.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:44pm


After the meeting an email was received with a question that may be of interest to other residents:

I have a quick question. I filled out the form for desired placement of the lateral connection to the sewer last year. I had proposed coming straight out of the front of the house. After I submitted it I was called by F&O and told that the clean water act funding could not be used for any work under the home. So they rearchitected the drawing to connect at the north edge of the property and go all the way around an existing deck to connect to the location where the discharge line currently exits the house.

Since the lateral connection has been removed I want to change the connection to be back in the front of the house. Who do I notify for that change?

Thanks in advance.

Steve Meoli (57 Saltaire)

Thank you for your great question. All homeowners can change the location on their property where they want the sewer lateral located. F&O has to be notified in order to get the “stub” from the sewer main positioned in the right location.

Also note that we are still navigating the sewer connections to the house and septic abandonment. If any well is within 75’ (their own or a neighbor’s) the sewer connection will have to meet the Dept. of Health/Ledge Light Health District requirements and the WPCA will have to develop a process to inspect, document and approve these connections and well abandonment. We will definitely need F&O guidance and will be providing more information to all residents on this.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions!


Financial Reports
F&O Amendment #2
F&O Amendment #6
Stickley email re: Trumbull



February Financial Statement —–>  WPCA January FS 2021 (2)
F&O Amendment #2 —–>  2021-02- 08_ F&O Revised Old Lyme Shared Infrastructure Amendment 2
F&O Amendment #6 —–>  2021-02-09_OLSBA Revised Amendment No. 6 – CA and RPR
Email from Kathy Stickley —–>  Email from K Stickley_2021-02-14