WPCA Update – OLSBA 2022 Fall Meeting

Presentation made by WPCA Chairman at the OLSBA September 24, 2022 Fall Meeting: OLS Infrastructure Project Update_20220924v2 Based on resident questions that were asked at the Fall Meeting, the WPCA is providing a clarifying Q&A to address major concerns: 2022...

WPCA Congressional Grant Request Declined

BREAKING NEWS 8-24-2022 We just learned late this morning that the Senate Appropriations Committee has declined our request for federal grant assistance with our sewer project. You may recall our request for $14M was declined by the House, and subsequently taken up by...

WPCA Financial Statements May-July

WPCA FINANCIAL STATEMENTS MAY – JUNE -JULY 2022 The WPCA Board meets on a quarterly basis.  The Financial and Bank statements for May-July will be reviewed at the August WPCA  Board Meeting.  Financial Statements for activity that has occurred since the May...

WPCA Update for BOG Meeting

BOG Meeting – March 29, 2022 WPCA Update The first quarterly meeting of the WPCA was held on February 16 and the Meeting Minutes are posted on the website. The second quarterly meeting is set for May 19, at 7:30 PM. The WPCA Project Options Committee has been meeting...