BOG Meeting Minutes – 5 MAY 2018

Old Lyme Shores BOG Meeting May 5, 2018          10 am 56 Saltaire Drive   Old Lyme, CT Attendees-Paul Yellen, Matt Merritt, Tom Annulli, Joe Halloran, John Cunningham, Maura Graml Jay Moynihan, Polly Merritt-Maglio Welcome- Paul Yellen welcomed everyone back for the...

OLSBA Meeting Minutes – 23 JUN 2018

Old Lyme Shores OLSBA Meeting Saturday June 23, 2018              10:00 am Lyme-Old Lyme Middle School Attendees-Paul Yellen, Matt Merritt, Maura Graml, Tom Annulli, John Cunningham, Polly Merritt-Maglio, Joe Halloran Absent-Jay Moynihan, Pat Burns, Norm Yester Called...

Autumn Annual Meeting Slides – 06 OCT 2018

Due to technical compatibility constraints with the auditorium’s projection system (all of our laptops were too new to work with the older system), we were unable to project the slides on the screen.  The slides that we intended to share can be found attached...

Autumn Annual Meeting Announcement – 06 OCT 2018

The next OLSBA meeting will be held at 10:00AM on Saturday, September 16, 2016 at the Lyme-Old Lyme middle school, located behind the fire station in town. Our agenda will include, but not be limited to, a recap of our summer activities, a review of our budget status,...