Letter From The President – May 2019

Dear OLS Community,                                                                                                                             May, 2019 I hope this letter finds you well as we begin the 2019 beach season. It has been a very busy...

2019 Spring Meeting

Dear OLS Association Members, The Spring Meeting this year will held on Saturday, June 15th at 10:00am.  The meeting will be held at the Old Lyme Middle School Auditorium, 53 Lyme Street.  The meeting agenda, including the proposed budget will be posted...

WPCA – Frequently Asked Questions

Old Lyme Shores Beach Association Water Pollution Control Authority Frequently Asked Questions April 28, 2019 What is the history of sewers in Old Lyme Shores? The Old Lyme Shores Beach Association OLSBA) voted at the September 2010 meeting to conduct a Wastewater...