Old Lyme Shores BOG Meeting

August 27, 2016 at 15 Billow Road Old Lyme, CT 06371

Paul Yellen, President, called meeting to order @ 10:00 am

Attendees: Paul Yellen, Sheila DeLutrie, Patrick Burns, Jay Moynihan, Joe Halloran, Tom Annulli, Maura Graml

Absent: Julia Nixon, George Finley

Absent: Matt Merritt, Polly Merritt-Maglio, John Cunningham


Guest Reports

Summer Social Activities: Julia Nixon

  • Parade July 1, 2017 Two new categories: friendly, patriotic dogs and scooters. 
  • Carousel Night Saturday, August 5, 2017
  • OLS Annual Beach Party August 12, 2017 at Saltaire Bench
  • Ladies Luncheon   Old Lyme Inn   $25  July 20, 2017
  • Michael Cleary Band   July 1, 2017

Beach Condition: George Finley

As stated previously, there were many logs on the beach during the preseason.  The Town of Old Lyme was reasonable about not charging us to grind them up.  We are looking into getting a permit to remove the coarse sand at the Sea Spray portion of the beach and may be able to bring over the good sand from another part of the beach.  We are looking into finding a place to get rid of course sand from Sea Spray so we do not have to pay for it.

George Finley is looking into adding more signage to the beach concerning hazards, i.e. Glass, etc.

OLS will probably need all new lines for the buoys and the anchors, etc.

Committee Reports

Sheffield Brook: Patrick Burns

The Sheffield Brook Project consists of two portions the Upper Sheffield Brook part and the Lower Sheffield Brook part.  The Federal Department of Agriculture is trying to delay the Upper Portion (2/3 of the Brook) by delaying the $900,000 grant.  This delay is primarily due to the timing of when certain plantings occur.

The Lower Sheffield Brook project, which consists of the last 300 feet, is the portion of most importance to OLS due to land management and where flooding actually occurs.

Bids are due on 9/2. The project is projected to start in October 2016 and should take approximately 90 days to complete.

OLS will need to remove rocks from the Sea Spray jetty to nullify our notice of violation per the DEEP, because the jetty is too high.

The fence between OLS and Old Colony Beach will be reworked and the beach sand in this area will be graded.

Budget and Financial Review– Sheila DeLutrie

All line items are in-line with the budget. All invoices have been processed for payment.

  • Checking Account $73,193.88
  • Capitol One Savings Account $128,520.44
  • Capitol Reserve Savings $20,049.36

Financial Audit: Matt Merritt and Tom Annulli

Matt and Tom have drafted internal controls for the budget audit. Sheila will give her report during the annual meeting.

Summer Security Review

The day guards have been very successful in enforcing our beach rules.  There is a good progression of OLS kids that want to come onto the Security team next year.  We will be using contracted security on Labor Day weekend Friday, Saturday and Sunday as well as Memorial Weekend 2017.   No security guards were necessary this summer at night.

Traffic Safety: Tom Annulli

Guards handed out sheets of paper with the speed limit and the rules of the beach.   BOG is considering putting block signs in the middle of the road that say “Slow” as well as putting signs in the middle of dangerous intersections. A large stencil has been made in order to paint “Stop Ahead” approximately 40 and 30 feet, respectively, on the road before the actual Stop signs.  The lines for the Stop signs that are in the road presently will be repainted for increased visibility.

BOG Opening: Jim Zanavich Resignation effective July 1, 2016

A vote by the BOG will be taken to elect Joe Halloran to take over for Jim Zanavich on the BOG and to fill the remainder of Jim’s term.

Update: The vote was held on 8/29/2016 and Joe Halloran was confirmed.

WPCA Vacancies

John Rixon and Jim Zanavich have both resigned from the WPCA.   John Cunningham and Tom Annulli have volunteered to serve on the WPCA.  There will need to be a vote taken via email by the BOG.

Update: The two votes were taken, 8/29/2016  and 8/30/2016 respectively, and both John Cunningham and Tom Annulli were confirmed.

WPCA: Joe Sullivan

Joe stated that we need to consider easements to get to the pump house via town roads and our members properties, as well as other beaches.   There will be a meeting with Bonnie Reemsnyder to discuss how the town will figure into this project.

OL is in favor of Soundview sewers. In order to get a land lease there needs to be a process consisting of an approval and a town vote.  We need people to come out to these meetings to get this approval.  If we do not get this approval that would be a tremendous setback to us.

Old Lyme has a website where you can sign up to find out about the WPCA meeting times and read the minutes of the WPCA meetings.  We strongly encourage all residents to continue to be informed about meetings and minutes via this website. A WPCA meeting is scheduled for September 3, 2016. You can read more about the WPCA activities and details at http://oldlymeshores.org/wpca

Joe will continue to send WPCA information to the BOG.

Snow Plowing: Paul Yellen

Paul will contact Harry Plaut for snow plowing. Last year, there was no damage and there were no complaints or issues of significance.  Paul will negotiate with Harry Plaut on contracting for future plowing.

Golf Carts: Paul Yellen

A letter will go out concerning our policy on golf carts to all of our membership as well as personalized letters to the owners.  OLS does not allow golf carts on any of our roads, at any time.

Fall Meeting will be September 10, 2016 at the Middle School at 10 am.

Meeting was concluded at 12:05 pm

Minutes submitted by Maura Graml, Secretary.