Autumn Annual Meeting – September 10, 2016

Autumn Annual Meeting Announcement – 10 SEP 2016
The next OLSBA meeting will be held at 10:00AM on Saturday, September 10, 2016 at the Lyme-Old Lyme middle school, located behind the fire station in town.

Autumn Annual Meeting Agenda – 10 SEP 2016
Our agenda will include, but not be limited to, a recap of our winter activities, a review of our budget status and proposed budget, the election of Board of Governors members and officers, current Board of Governors projects, beach security, and our summer activities.

Autumn Annual Meeting Minutes – 10 SEP 2016
OLS BEACH ASSOCIATION AUTUMN MEETING SEPTEMBER 10, 2016 OLD LYME MIDDLE SCHOOL Called to order at 10:00 am Attendees Board Members: Matt Merritt, Jay Moynihan, Joe Halloran, Patrick Burns Officers: President Paul Yellen, Treasurer and Tax Collector Sheila DeLutrie and Secretary Maura Graml Absent Board Members: Polly Merritt, John Cunningham, Tom Annulli