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The Vice President of the OLSBA hereby provides this written notice of the agenda for the Regular Meeting of the BOG to take place at 7:00 p.m. on December 18, 2024 via Zoom. The Zoom meeting credentials are as follows:

OLSBA BOG is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

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Meeting ID: 486 101 9414

Passcode: 11092024

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Click Here for  Agenda


I. Verify a quorum
II. Vote seeking to approve the minutes for the November 20, 2024 Meeting of the BOG.
III. Discussion and vote on vacant BOG positions; President and Secretary.
IV. Nominating Committee: Vote to add members to the Nominating Committee. Sarah Fay, Stephen Potter, Judeen Wrinn, Jack Reynolds and Rob Capellucci have come forward to volunteer.
V. If the WPCA has a recommendation(s) to the BOG for filling the Water Pollution Control Authority board seats that were left vacant by the resignation of John Mandracchia and Chairman Tim Larson, we can fill them tonight.
VI. Vote seeking to appoint __________________________ to the WPCA for the term ending ________________________.
VII. Bills to be approved and paid:

Date Rec. Invoice Date Vendor Name For Amount Budget Line Item
12/11/2024 Atty. Brendon Sharkey Inv # 1148 687.50


    • Any other expenses or bills to be presented

Committee Reports
A. Beach: Help is needed to coordinate with OCB on possible remediation efforts with Sheffield Brook. Can be a BOG member or a member of the general membership. Update on fall sand removal and sand relocation.
B. Communications / Newsletter: Patti Vande Werken has offered to be on the communications Committee. Vote is needed to formalize this.
IX. Discussion and vote on proposed method of member voting for increasing the funding for the sewer project.
X. January BOG Meeting: meeting may have to be rescheduled to January 22nd due to my travel plans unless someone else is able to set up the meeting and agenda, etc.
XI. Discussion and vote on disposition of check in the amount of $11,010.47 received from OCB.
XII. Discussion on process to distribute old street signs to residents.
XIII. Any other items to be motioned onto the agenda
XIV. Public Comments
XV. Adjournment