>>              Draft – 8/18/24, 8/22/24 (jcm)


>>>>>>          OLSBA WPCA Meeting – Special

>>>>>>           August 15, 2024

>>>>>>           Zoom

>>>>>>          7:00 pm


>>>>>> Present:  Tim Larson, Jack Reynolds, Dennis Colombie, Chris Shelton, James Moynihan, Bob Palazzo & Diane Duhaime


>>>>>> I. Following a brief delay due to the zoom technology, the meeting commenced at 7:15 pm. Quorum was established.


>>>>>> II.  Meeting Minutes:  The draft meeting minutes for both July 30, 2024 & August 2, 2024 were approved as presented (Moynihan, Palazzo), Vote 6-0.


>>>>>> At the request of Jack Reynolds, he will provide the Secretary with a written statement, which the Chair determined to be  “friendly amendment”, of no more than two sentences documenting his questioning, and the response(s) involving the Cost Sharing Group and applicability/compliance of the state’s “Freedom of Information Act” (FOIA).


>>>>>> III. Treasurer’s Report:  Chris Shelton provided a brief overview of his efforts to become familiar with the Treasurer’s’ responsibilities & his planned next actions.


>>>>>> IV. Mr. Reynolds discussed the value of a “board retreat” – allowing for the members to become more familiar with each others and discuss their responsibilities as members of the OLSBA WPCA.


>>>>>> V.  Activities:


>>>>>> A. Cost Sharing Agreement:  Motion to approve Chairman to sign the Agreement (Moynihan, Shelton). Ms. Duhaime provided an overview of the agreement and responded to member questions, including queries/comments regarding the value of having the Agreement reflect compliance, as appropriate, with the the state’s “Freedom of Information Act” (FOIA). The Chairman proposed that the WPCA address the matter at a future meeting – the matter was “tabled”, by consensus.


>>>>>> B.  New London Agreement:  Motion to approve the Chairman to sign the agreement. (Moynihan, Palazzo). Ms Duhaime provided an overview of the agreement and responded to member queries/comments.


>>>>>> The motion was approved 4-2.


>>>>>> In Favor: Larson, Shelton, Palazzo, Colombie   Against : Reynolds, Moynihan


>>>>>> C.  Others:


>>>>>> Mr. Moynihan provided an overview to the board members regarding his research & 8/13/24 meeting with Kurt Mailman (Fuss & O’Neil) (F&O), including Mr. Mailmans’ thoughts that the state would require that the New London Agreement & Bonding Resolution be approved by all four OL entities (3 beaches & Town). Also, related to bidding for OLS work involving sewers, stormwater & filing appropriate documentation with the state to secure Clean Water Funds for construction will necessitate agreements between OLS & F&O – and approval by the state DEEP – as a precursor to any actual efforts to “bid” to he project. Mr. Moynihan was asked, as liaison to F&O to contact Mr. Mailman and request the appropriate proposals.


>>>>>> D. Bond Resolution – draft:  Following a discussion, the Chairman requested that Mr. Moynihan & Mr. Shelton review the draft bond draft resolution provided to the Association’s President with bond counsel.


>>>>>> E.  Mr. Moynihan will request F&O to provide the board members with a “project history” presentation.


>>>>>> F.  The board discussed and/or received verbal updates re: potential of Town grant funds to be used to offset sewer project costs, Town sewer meetings (August 13, 2024 & August 28, 2024), board insurance coverage, potential challenges and documentation related to the bidding process & funding of project costs with CWFs,  and the potential of the project participants seeking legislation to establish a regional WPCA.


>>>>>> G.  Chairman Comments:


>>>>>> The Chairman discussed the potential & value of the WPCA having its own legal counsel & clerk.  He also noted the potential value & need for the development of a mail piece providing information about the sewer project & its potential costs/impact on OLSBA. The Chairman said he would try and reach out to contact the former OLS Chairman & Treasurer about WPCA records.  The Chairman noted that there was the potential need of more than the two (2) WPCA meetings planned for the remainder of the calendar year.


>>>>>> H.  Mr. Reynolds noted that he plans on sharing with the board members a legal opinion involving the Association’s property on Gorton Avenue & the planned Bioxide facility.


>>>>>> I.  Written Operational Policies & Reimbursement Policy:


>>>>>> The Chairman stated that he, Jack Reynolds and Chris Shelton will address these matters.


>>>>>> VI.   Meeting Adjournment:


>>>>>> The meeting adjourned at 9:18 pm. Vote 6-0.  (Moynihan, Palazzo )