OLSBA 2023 Fall Meeting Saturday

Old Lyme Middle School Auditorium

53 Lyme Street
Old Lyme, CT

Board of Governors and Association officers in attendance: Bryan Even (BE), Joanne Gilland (JG), MaryKate Reynolds (MKR), Al Roy (AR), John Mandracchia (JM), Norm Yester(NY), Kathi Stickley (KS), Lou Ricelli (LR)
Absent: Tom Annulli

Member Guests: Approx. 75 including board (55 households signed in)


Meeting Call to Order: 10:07 AM

  1. Welcome -BE

2. Approval of Minutes-
Motion was made/seconded and passed to approve minutes 06/17/23- LR/JM

3. Nomination Committee-Vote needed to synch up governors with their
term expiration dates.
Motion was made/seconded to call for a vote by the assembly for a
3-year term for Al Roy as Governor for the period which began July 1, 2023 and which will continue through June 30,2026. -JM/MKRAssociation voted and passed unanimously.
Motion was made/seconded to call for a vote by the assembly for a 3-year term for John Mandracchia as Governor for the period which began July 1, 2023 and which will continue through June 30,2026. -KS/LR
Association voted and passed unanimously.

Association member Anne Conway asked to nominate Paul Yellen to fill empty position on the Board of Governors; BE said the process must be go through nomination committee which is headed by TA and 2 other individuals.  Association member Paul Graml believed the vote for the suggested person could happen today.
Association member Jay Moynihan commented that committee had the
opportunity to fill it at the annual meeting.


4. Financials NY- presented Balance Sheet as of June 30,2023, Budget vs Actuals, Balance Sheet as of September 7, 2023 and the Proposed Budget for 2024 with the Mill Rate.Commented on income and expenses including expenses for QuickBooks which previously had been paid for by association member John Cunningham. Commented on proposed budget with mill rate- (voted already and overwhelmingly passed at the
Spring 2023 meeting). Explained budget was up 33 percent. Did not have the mill rate at the Spring meeting because calculating the mill rate required revenue and assessment from town which was received on the Wednesday prior to the Saturday meeting.
Motion was made/seconded to call for a vote by the assembly for a mill rate 2.305/1000 for the Fiscal year 2023-2024 which is based on the budget approved by the association on June 17, 2023 and the tax roll as provided by the Town of Old Lyme on June 15, 2023-LR/JM

Association member- questioned voting on the budget without the mill rate being set was even possible according to the charter.
Association member made a motion to table the vote on the mill rate
so that the association can process /seconded by another member.
[Members did not identify themselves or their OLS address.]
BE said the budget had been passed and the motion was made to adopt the mill rate. Association member Diane Duhaime stated the motion that was made and seconded by association member must be discussed and a vote must be made on it according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
NY- had never seen a mill rate posted in his six years of service with the association; Association member Paul Yellen- appreciated Norm and his company’s help in presentation of budget but believed OLS had the tax base available well in advance of our meetings because the town needs it before mid-June.
Association member- said the mill rate increase was not stated in the minutes of the Spring meeting.
Association member Maura Graml, 33 Brightwater, Old Lyme reevaluates property values every 5 years and that membership did not receive the numbers until 4 o’clock the afternoon before the meeting. Charter states that it should be sent out ten days before the start of the
Association member Diane Duhaime wants to follow rules in by laws and charter wants mill rate vote tabled until next meeting or until ten days after announcement of mill rate and budget.
NY- questioned if sending out tax bills with disclosure of mill rate established ten days’ notice.

Vote was taken on setting the mill rate and association voted
Yes 24 No 32
Motion did not pass to approve setting the mill rate. BOG will meet and discuss the next steps.
Association member Paul Graml- believes next step should include a proposed decrease in mill rate.

5. Beach George Finley- overall condition of beach is good. Discussed the impact of the major summer storm which caused removal of tree debris totaling 3-30-yard dumpsters.Thankful for the many people who assisted in the cleaning of the beach and removal of the debris.There were no reported issues with blockage of Sheffield Brook possibly due to the rain that pushed out the sand blockage. Raft and lines have been removed for the year.
The Harbor Commission of Old Lyme is addressing the issue of sound pollution from the guest boats at Soundview all summer long.Racks will be taken apart, repaired and stored over the winter months. Thankful to Bud Smart and Lou Ricelli for their work with this project. OLS is not charged for removal of sand from the winter months but does incur costs associated with the grading.

6. Gate and Beach Attendants JM- guards are now called gate and beach attendants. Recognition given for Chris Bird, Head Attendant, for his leadership.Fewer security issues this summer except for the July 4th evening incident (300 people on beach area due to social media invitations). Discussing ideas for next year’s security measures in anticipation for similar situations.

Association member Julia Nixon feels an attendant should be at the Old Colony entrance to remind passer throughs that they need to stay below the high tide line and follow OLS rules. Paul Yellen asks board to consider adding older attendants from the association as attendants.

BE- said security companies want more hours and also difficult to recruit staff; discussion with two firms; perhaps security for a couple of days and potential overnight over the July 4th holiday.
JM- responsibility for community members to support the attendants in controlling situations that violate beach rules.

MKR- working on signs for consistency in messages and wording.
Association members commented on open OLS gates during the week while other shoreline beaches had their gates closed.
BE-it was decided that closed gates closed during the week was not necessary this summer because of the number of non-association people or their guests who entered OLS. Association members had mixed feelings on open gates on weekdays.
JM- asked members to not move the speed signs on their streets. Ten new STOP signs were installed replacing old or faded signs. The two street signs which fell (Canty and Sea Spray) and the one face plate (Bellaire) will be addressed this fall and winter.
Association member- requested that when designing the schedule for next year to be mindful that the same street not receive the brunt of the traffic from the major holidays.JM- assured this was taken into consideration.

7. July 4, 2024 Julia Nixon-July 4th festivities were a huge success as were the Pizza truck and ice cream truck; thanked all who volunteered and purchased t-shirts. Discussed July 4, 2024 festivities including Friday wiffleball game and nighttime movie, Sat July 6th for DJ and food Trucks. OLS Carousel hour is planned for Saturday Aug 3, 2024.

8. WPCA Update AR-

  1. Supplemental grant funding-was DEEP’s reaction to the project no longer being economically feasible. Announced an additional grant of 15M; Al briefly described the complicated Financial Capability Assessment needed to determine qualification for the additional $15M in funding. Project was stated by DEEP to be no longer economically feasible (as per a precondition of the consent order), which may or may not be the same thing as not being economically affordable.
  2. Negotiations are in place with New London to extend the New London intermunicipal agreement (to receive and treat effluent from the sewer cooperative communities).

Next Steps include preparing total project construction and going-forward cost analysis, for our internal and pro-rata portion of the shared infrastructure; preparing cost per resident (EDU) information for a new OLSBA resolution preparing referendum package for a new vote (timing tbd)

Association member- asked about the percentages of OLS’ share of the 15M grant.AR- stated that the percentages are not fully flushed out and determined.
What has been determined is the current resolution cannot support the project. The 9.7M agreement has been exceeded. WPCA foresees another vote with a new resolution presented to the association. It may be possible that a vote is necessary to terminate the former resolution.

BE- if we get this 15 M does this mean the state will insist on us proceeding with the project?
AR-State used the term between feasibility and affordability. It is a very complex issue. The state declined to discuss this at the meeting. We must wait for a full financial analysis before we can weigh our options.

KS asked if the larger sewer project – including all four beaches would be managed by the State of Connecticut to ensure that the sewers are installed and connected correctly, having four individual project managers will be a challenge.

Association member Jay Monahan-asked about funding that may be totally inadequate for the project.
BE- Project is layered in compound assumptions; 9.7 M div by number of homes- $50,500 per household which does not include connections (could lead to 60k-80k or more).

AR- Some of these total cost numbers are quite worrisome. We must remember that a 25% grant component is locked in, and an additional $15M infusion of grant money may be a game changer, TBD. In any case we will provide full disclosure when the information is available.

DeDe DeRosa- stated the WPCA is doing all that they can collaborating with all of the stakeholders

9. Roads and Drainage System BE- Patches in the roads that that were meant to be short term (created when deep water piping was installed along the roads last summer) will be patched further next spring-. More extensive repairs will have more costs.

10. New and On-Going Business LR- Federation of Beaches- Shoreline beaches revived the group. Next Sunday 9/17 at the community center on Hartford Ave there will be a chance to meet the new selectmen candidates.

Association member Paul Graml- wants to know what the voting members of the board will do when presented with expenditures

11. Adjournment -Motion made /seconded to adjourn 12:10 PM KS/MKR

Minutes respectfully submitted by Joanne Gilland, Secretary

OLS Fall 2023 Meeting Powerpoint_WPCA_09-08-23.pdf

OLS Fall Meeting 2023 Final.pdf