OLSBOG Meeting

Wednesday May 24, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Zoom Meeting


Board of Governors and Association Officers in attendance:Bryan Even (BE), Al Roy (AR), Norm Yester (NY), Tom Annulli (TA), Joanne Gilland (JG), John Mandracchia (JM), Lou Riccelli (LR)

Absent:MaryKate Reynolds (MKR), Kathi Stickley (KS)

Member Guests: Approx. 52 people


Call to Order 7:01 PM


  • Approval of Minutes of 04/18 BOG Meeting-TA/JM


  • Financials- NY-Current availability of cash is $150,000; anticipates that between now and July 1 with beach cleaning, guards’ salary, insurance, etc. that 35-40,000 will be spent.

BE- expecting a higher budget to be presented than in the past couple of years. Noticeable difference driven by road maintenance, street signage, radar speed signs, gate repair and replacements, traffic barriers, storm drainage, website improvements, professional service and financial services. Thanked Norm for his accounting firm’s services have been provided at no cost these past years.


JM asked clarification regarding the CWC’s responsibility for the roads. CWC recently installed year round water for the residents and because of that, they had to patch the roads; however, they are not under any obligation to do anything further with the roads. It is the responsibility of the association to repair and maintain our roads.  The continued delay of the sewer project still is giving us hesitancy to repair the roads; expenses to be provide by OLS

  • Beach Related Actions
    • Boat storage- LR- built a 16’x 6’ two decker kayak holder for the Sea Spray end of the beach; cost around 800 dollars (number not finalized)
    • Signage- JM/TA- TA and BE replaced 8 stop signs and poles. Currently there are 2 signs down and one street plate down; received quote of 1600 plus dollars for repair/replacement; Beach rules signs on all beaches will be examined for standardization.
    • Speed signs-TA- will be set up this spring
    • JM walked the streets and noted where the storm drains were; street cleaner came in to clear the storm drains; came in around 3000 dollars
    • Crosswalks- JM- First Selectman Tim Griswold made a commitment to review the situation
    • Website- needs more guidance and direction;
    • Insurance- looking for competitive pricing.
    • Other: developing list of priorities and duties for guards
    • Status of Sharing costs with Old Colony regarding Sheffield Brook- no change- will need to vote on our participation and sharing on payment with Old Colony (our share will be 5000 dollars max for this project)
  • Spring Meeting Prep
    • Preliminary agenda set; will have discussion with board members on their responsibilities
  • New/Old Business
    • Association has received correspondence from homeowners where vandalism has occurred at their property
    • Josh Iovenella- 22 Sea Spray-discussed vandalism and wanted to increase the awareness within the association; looking for assistance with any thoughts and ideas that association members may have; will share all information received with state troopers
    • Joe Quinn-13 Brightwater- agrees with the board condemning the actions against the perpetrator(s) of the vandalism; agrees on protection of the residents; working with state police and constables; thankful for residents’ concern and hoping that raised awareness will result in swift prosecution of individual(s) involved.
    • BE- received beach use request from a resident who wants to host a band on 7/22/23 to play on the beach for the pleasure of all residents.
  • Resident Comments –(limited to 3 minutes each)
    • Paul Graml- Brightwater- would like to see more detail on presented budget– for ex, consulting fees- would like to have more detail on the reason
    • Motion to adjourn- TA/LR
  • Adjourn at 7:44 AM