Special Meeting of the OLSBOG

Monday January 30, 2023 at 6:30 PM Via Zoom

Board of Governors and Association Officers in attendance: Bryan Even (BE), Al Roy (AR), Norm Yester (NY), Tom Annulli (TA), Joanne Gilland (JG), MaryKate Reynolds (MKR), John Mandracchia (JM), Lou Riccelli (LR), Kathi Stickley (KS)

Member Guests: Approx. 59 people including BOG

Special Meeting Called to Order 6:33 PM

  • Approval of BOG meeting minutes 09/14/22 TA/JM
  • Information regarding Sheffield Brook-

o TA-discussedthehistoryandtheengineeringofthetwinculvertsofSheffield Brook as well as its importance in the mitigation of flood waters. Sand clogging the culvert gates is common and has resulted in frequent excavation. OLS has been sharing to the excavation expenses with Old Colony. Old Colony has recently appointed another engineering firm to improve the functionality of the culverts and is looking for assistance with the cost. TA would like time to research this issue before presenting any recommendations to the board.

• Status of Sewer Project and BOG Vote-
o BE-discussed the recent efforts regarding the sewer project and the challenges presented with the funding of the project.
o Asked the board to consider a draft letter that has been written to the alliance partners which will force significant discussions regarding the project. It has been determined that the project is economically unfeasible without significant infusion of federal and state funding. Discussions with DEEP were necessary as well to determine if the consent order could be modified or rescinded.

o The BOG is planning on presenting this information along with additional documents and a more recent status at the Spring Meeting. At this point, the BOG is planning on providing the association with an opportunity to vote on reasonable options related to our efforts and a path forward

o Future focus would be on improving infrastructure improvements as well as the roads.

o Several board members and WPCA members agreed that years of effort showed due diligence.

page1image16848A motion for a vote was made by TA , to notify the other members of the cost sharing alliance, via letter, of Old Lyme Shores Beach Association’s intent not to move forward with the construction of a sanitary sewer system. The project is beyond the scope of our referendum and any responsible time frame. JM seconded the motion.

All were in favor and a roll call was made.


The draft letter would be reviewed with the attorneys and published in a timely manner.

o Residents’Comments-
o Paul Graml, Brightwater Rd-wanted clarification on the intended recipients of the letter.
o Greg Symon, Brightwater Rd-acknowledged effort of all involved and agreed with decision. Would like board to concentrate on infrastructure upgrades.

o Mike Rigio,Saltaire Dr-had questions on septic pumpouts.

Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 PM TA/MKR

Meeting minutes respectfully submitted by Joanne Gilland, Secretary, Old Lyme Shores Beach Association