Click here to print minutes:OLS WPCA Board Meeting Minutes – November 2022
November 17, 2022 7:30PM VIA ZOOM
The meeting was called to order at 7:35pm by WPCA Chairman, Al Roy. In attendance:
Tom Annuilli, John Cunningham, Al Roy, Dede DeRosa, Bob Palazzo, Bryan Even (ex-officio). Absent: Sue Mahoney. In addition to the board members, eight OLS residents were on the call.
Al delivered a brief opening statement:
Thank you for joining us this evening. We will provide just a brief status report, as there has been relatively little project activity since we met at the Fall Meeting on September 14. A detailed status update was provided at the Fall Meeting at which time a robust discussion ensued. Please refer to the links in the agenda for this meeting to find both the PowerPoint project presentation and a follow-up Q&A regarding concerns raised by residents at the Fall meeting. I will cover a few key items later in the agenda.
Your WPCA fully understands that several aspects of the project are very contentious at this point in our project’s long history, and that several residents are very concerned. Please remember that you, the residents and property owners at OLS, have the final say regarding the ultimate outcome of this project. Also remember that our only interest at this point is to get sewers at a price that is acceptable to the membership – OR – to unwind from our contracts and obligations in the smartest way possible to keep our liabilities to a minimum.
As I have said repeatedly, neither the WPCA nor the BOG can or will make the decision. I have also said that I have no personal motives or interests in moving the project forward, and I am in no way personally driven to see sewers installed. Under advice from one informed and engaged resident, I will share with you that: I am just calling balls and strikes, and I am not advocating for any particular outcome.
Thank you for your continued patience, understanding and support.
Tom Annulli made a motion to accept the minutes of the August 18th meeting. John Cunningham seconded the motion and the minutes were entered into the record.
Tom Annuilli provided the board with the end-October financial statements which are attached to these minutes. Tom also provided an update on the liability OLS has accrued to date from development and design work. This exhibit is also attached to these minutes.
- Al provided a brief recap of the OLS Fall Meeting and reminded everyone that the Presentation & follow up Q&A based on resident comments and questions are posted on the website. At the Fall Meeting a detailed update and road map for several months was reviewed. It is expected that our options will come into focus before the Spring meeting and there may have something substantive to share at the quarterly WPCA meeting in February. We are committed to providing as much information available in advance of the Spring meeting
- Legislative Update – no activity; diminishing optimism
The title says it all. We continue to pursue funding opportunities and have worked with five legislative offices, commissioner Boughton, and DEEP senior staff. Finding grant programs that match our purpose, need, and one for which would qualify has been an exasperating experience to date. We expect more feedback soon, now that the election cycle has concluded. - Preparation for CWF Loan Extension in January
The primary focus is to extend our loan maturity dates to January, 2024 which will allow time for us to consider our options and formulate plans. This allows us to defer payment on the existing design loan. We are collaborating with the State to achieve the best possible outcome.
As a parallel path, the BOG is looking at ways to address our roads and drainage apart from the sewers in the the event that the sewer project cannot move forward. This will obviously involve breaking apart the the road repair and storm drainage from our integrated design and attempting to get a current estimate of cost for those components of the project only. Bryan stated that he is looking to bring enough information together in tandem with options on the sewers so that residents will have a comprehensive view of the situation before voting on any new referendum.
As in past years, we will post and communicate the quarterly schedule in January. Dede will follow up with board members to discuss moving the day of the meetings in order to avoid conflicts with the Thursday day/time.
No new correspondence.
Kathi Stickley asked when we anticipated being ready for referendum, Spring or Fall Meeting?
Al and Bryan both expressed a sense of urgency to prepare for a resident vote at the Spring meeting.
WPCA Balance Sheet October 2022