OLSBOG Meeting

Tuesday August 2, 2022 at 6:30 PM

In Person Meeting at Old Lyme Phoebe Griffin Noyes Library

2 Library Lane, Old Lyme CT, 06371

Community Room, Ground Floor


Board of Governors and Association Officers in attendance:Bryan Even (BE), Al Roy (AR), Norm Yester (NY), Tom Annulli (TA) via telephone, Joanne Gilland (JG), MaryKate Reynolds (MKR), John Mandracchia (JM), Lou Riccelli (LR), Kathi Stickley (KS) (arr. at 6:38 PM)


Member Guests: Approx. 17 people



Call to Order 6:31 PM

Welcome-BE– noted new board members JM and LR

  • Approval of BOG meeting minutes 6/02/22-TA/LR
  • Financials- NY, TA
    • Overall Budget-reviewed numbers and budgeted expenses and income from dues from prior years; NY volunteers accountant services pro bono; insurance rates had gone up 1500 dollars
    • Guard Budget-beach should slow down mid- August;
  • WPCA Update-AR– the next WPCA Meeting is in two weeks, August 18, via Zoom
    • No change in status since the Annual Spring Meeting
    • Continued pursuit of federal funding grants
    • Project remains on hold, pending outcome from grant requests; May get feedback “late summer”
    • Joint Beach Association Meeting – August 27, 10am, Middle School
    • Described how cost drivers unique to each association cause project costs to vary among the associations
      (total roadway miles, building lot size, building density, ledge or no ledge, complex or simple wastewater remediation, extent of road repair)
    • Joint efforts of the Old Lyme Shared Municipal Sewer Project Alliance (aka CSA)
    • May have additional updates at the OLS Fall Association Meeting


  • Safety- TA, BE
    • Signage- faded stop signs- should some be replaced to be made more visible, Stop Signs- many complaints regarding drivers going through the stop signs and speeding on Bellaire, Stop sign used near where the guards sit at the top of the road was stolen; Radar Signs should arrive shortly after much delay;asked about crosswalk on 156 but since it is a state highway, needs approval from state in addition to town
    • Crosswalk- since it is a state highway, needs approval from state in addition to town; wants to pursue how many and location but hoping for 2 cross walks at the two inside or every other street; location to be determined and discussed;
  • Beach Update-BE
    • Boat Storage- need more racks at the end of Billow, Billow and Sea Spray; complaints of boats at end Sea Spray; does not believe that both ends of beach can be used to store boats; wants boat storage to be clean and organized
    • Received complaints regarding people eating and having coolers on the beach; renters need to have the rules discussed with them.
    • Boat Registration-In the past, residents were able to register boats on-line and stickers from DEEPwere applied to the boat; wants this to be looked at further. Stickers were initiated from DEEPto assist in the identification of a watercraft that might have broken loose and floated in the sound thereby saving them from an unnecessary search and rescue expedition.
    • Committees, Priorities and Actions-BE- goals and objectives as high priorities (Committees: Safety and Security, Beach, Nomination, Infrastructure, Governance, Website and Secure Communication)
    • Website-need for a secure website with a community member login;
    • Other Priorities-insurance policies- there were some changes made to increase specific coverages for evolving risks; think about long term planning either with sewers or without; discuss how to eliminate marijuana use on beach.
  • Old Business- Fall Meeting potential Saturdays 9/17 or 9/24; looking into if the trash pick-up can be on Monday for both barrels; beach wedding in October; trimming bushes on homes on 156 to allow increased visibility for exiting cars; request for new sound system for movie nights
  • July 4thCelebration and 75 Year Anniversary-thank Julia Nixon for the festivities; ice cream planned for August
  • Resident Comments
    • T. Yellen– had comments regarding residents that had a cooler on the beach, use of golf carts and who is responsible for maintaining outflow of Sheffield Brook; also commented that the guards need to stop guests coming into the beach to determine their destination.

TA– Sheffield Brook maintenance and operation by Old Colony; engineered and designed for rainfall to provide the hydrostatic pressure to blow out of the sand and debris.

P. Graml asked about the policy for expenses and at what threshold would require input from residents? Concerned that there was not a vote to pay for the 3 radar signs which was one of the larger line items. BE said that the purchase was discussed at a BOG meeting and agreed upon but will look at the process.  NY said if 5% above the budgeted amount, the association would be notified.  Also commented that the association roads are terrible. There is a deep hole in the road near the intersection of Sea Lane and Brightwater.

K. Olson believes the individual who assisted with rentals has not been able to accommodate potential renters. Also is looking for a means for members to communicate with other association members such as a board.

J. Reynolds has concerns for the cost of the projects and looking for the answers of specific costs; reiterating a FOI request for how much are we indebted to New London and when is the bill due.

J. Moynihan concerned that signage is not uniform on all streets; also concerned that interim construction loan is due. Unsure that meeting can go into executive session without a purpose on the agenda.

Executive Session – vote to move into executive session for personnel and tax discussion TA/AR;no discussion, all in favor.

Movement into executive session was withdrawn.

Meeting is adjourned 8:16 meeting AR/ MKR