OLS 2022 Spring Meeting
Saturday 9/18/2022
Old Lyme Middle School Auditorium
53 Lyme Street
Old Lyme, CT
Board of Governors and Association officers in attendance: Matt Merritt (MM), Bryan Even(BE), Joanne Gilland (JG), MaryKate Reynolds (MKR), Tom Annulli (TA), Al Roy (AR), Cliff Winkel (CW), Kathi Stickley (KS), Norm Yester (NY)
Member Guests: Approx. 85
Meeting Call to Order: 10:07 AM
MM-Welcome – Introductions and remarks including tribute to members’ loved ones who passed in the past year.
- 2022/2023 Budget
NYdiscussed the 2021-2022 and theproposed2022-2023- increase in payroll due to increase in minimum wage; anticipate legal and professional fees and continuedfunding of the WPCA; budgeting a deficit of 53000
Motion was made to pass the proposed 2022-2023 Budget TA/CW. Motion passed.
- WPCA Update
ARreviewedtheRole of aWPCA(LINK)which was established in 2012; project status is on hold pending outcomes from efforts to significantly offset costs by securing additional state and federal grants. 4908 dollars is current estimate per household to cover project costs to date. No additional expenditures authorized until final recommendations are presented and considered by the OLSBA membership. Committed tohaving OLS be incompliance with the CT DEEP consent order butthe solution must be economically feasible. [WPCA homepage on the OLS website: https://oldlymeshores.org/wpca/]
Update on the Old Lyme Shared Sewer Project Alliance (OLSBA, OCB, MBA, Town of Old Lyme)
- Collaborating on efforts to secure additional project grants
- Ongoing discussion with State and Federal elected officials and CT DEEP
- Submitted grant applications to programs being funded by the American Rescue Plan (ARP) and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
- Potential to stack funding from several grant awards
- Recent meeting with Commissioner Mark Boughton, Senior Advisor to the Governor –IIJA
- Seeking a meeting with the Commissioner – CT DEEP
Hopefully by fall meeting, WPCA will present recommendationsand will seek membership decision. TBD – WPCA will eventually present a Resolution for a vote. (New Resolution needed whether we move forward to construction or not.)
John Cunningham (JC) presented survey results and WPCA’s next steps.
Survey results demonstrated respondents strong support for the projectbut not strong support for the costs.Warns that when looking at theproject costs, not to compare nominal costs to present value to future value. Identify the real costs. We also don’t want to lose the current state financing at 2% over 20 years payment with the currenthigh (7%)interest rate environment.
Scope of project is beyond sewers; wastewater management, drinking water supply, road regrading and repaving, stormwater and drainage management. Engineering studies that have been completed concluded that construction of sanitary sewers that convey waste to an off-site treatment location were the most cost-effective solution to address the issues identified in all study areas. (Completed Studies:
- Facilities Planning Report– Fuss & O’Neill (2011)
- Centralized Wastewater Management Plan– Fuss & O’Neill (2012)
- Centralized Wastewater Management Plan Addendum– Fuss & O’Neill (2012))
- Coastal Wastewater Plan Local Alternative– Woodard & Curran (2014
Inter-municipal agreements (IMA’s) were also mentioned.
- WPCA Ordinance(06-16-2012)& Amended WPCA Ordinance(09-24-2019)
- Established the mission and objectives for OLSBA WPCA
- Cost Sharing Agreement(04-25-2016)
- Old Lyme Shores, Old Colony, Miami Beach, & Town of Old Lyme
- Town of East Lyme(07-24-2018)
- Conveyance agreement (includes Waterford)
- City of New London(04-27-2018)
- Waste processing agreement
- Unified Consent Order from CT DEEP(02-13-2018)
Next stepsinclude seeking additional funding to offset cost increases, reviewing project scope and current costs, assessing need for new referendum on the project, and addressing any objections to moving forward.
Visit oldlymeshores.org/wpca22for more information
Members Questions/comments-
Marylou Duffy- Brightwater Rd-would like the WPCA to address in the future if grants will address the homeowneror if it will just assist the big project. Would also like a more specific number for a range of lots so member could have a better estimate of their individual costs.AR-work done on the homeowner’s property would be their responsibility; the WPCA can consider obtaining budget-level estimates for a variety of situations
Roger Zito- Saltaire Drive-commented on the original consent order of 2012 which OLSBA entered into withDEEP; commented on engineer-generated reports recommending off-site treatments and would like to see more discussion on mandating owners to repair, maintain, replace if needed and regularly pump out septic systems. He wants this to be enforced.
AR-based on direct experience with CT DEEP and Federal EPA the consent order is valid and binding; the town, via Ledgelight Health District, has purview over the maintenance and inspection of private wastewater systems and any mandated repairs or replacements.
Wendy Zito- Saltaire Dr- would like to see more maintenance of catch basins to take assist with drainage issues.
BE-taken under advisement
Jack Reynolds- Saltaire Drive- commented on OLS “quasi-municipality” governing board consisting of its 6 voting members and 4 officers. Also respects level of work being done. He estimates that 85k a houseis a proper estimate; wants to know the bottom line what have we paid for engineering and lawyers and how much do we owe New London? Felt there should have been a cap on the cost per house; personal experience with his own house fresh water pipe to the house 3500, estimates a sewer pipe would be 15 kand could bemore expensive if house is on granite; wants mission to get out of this project; put in an FOI request regarding the money and where it is going. Thinks it is time to stop.
AR-cost for connecting to the sewer will vary on a case-by-case basis depending on site conditions; beginning last year the WPCA began reporting so called “Walk Away” costs or currentaccruedliabilities and has updated this regularly – this information is accumulated from a number of sources and summarized by our highly qualifiedand experiencedtreasurer; ultimately the membership will vote and determine the outcome for the infrastructure project (not the WPCA); the WPCA is in in receipt of the mentioned Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) request and has responded to conformance with the regulation
Kathy Olson- Saltaire Dr- questioned about the percentage of non-respondersto the survey and if the surveywas mailedvia USPS? Also asked if a recent resident’s address to the board regarding his storm waterissues was fixed.
JC- survey was only electronic dueease in analysis of results.
- Nominating Committee
BE– spoke for the nominating committee(KS, AR and BE) and presented candidatesJohn Mandraccia and Lou Riccelliwho wereapproved by BOG; TA and AR agreed to stay on for additional 3-year terms.
Governors BOG Term Expires
- MaryKate Reynolds 6/30/2024
- Kathi Stickley 6/30/2024
- Al Roy 6/30/2025
- Lou Riccelli 6/30/2025
- John Mandraccia 6/30/2025
Officers BOG Term Expires
- Bryan Even, President 6/30/2024
- Tom Annulli, Vice President 6/30/2025
- Norm Yester, Treasurer Annual Appointment
- Joanne Gilland, Secretary Annual Appointment
- Norm Yester, Tax Collector Annual Appointment
Motion was made to accept the slate of candidates as presented by the nominating committee. JG/TA . Motion passed.
- Security Guards/Traffic Safety
BE-Scheduled2 street openings on Memorial Day weekend to minimize speeds and space out vehicular volumeon the streets; excessive amounts of cars attempting to enter OLS;noted residents were not used to new pattern of gate opening. The two outside streets (Sea Sprayand Billow) were open which will alternate with the two inner streets (Saltaire and Brightwater). During the week, only one gate will remain opened.
Janet Ryan -Sea Spray Rd- Commented on the speed of cars on Rt 156 and if the association has looked into the possibility of having crosswalks painted on 156 as a visual reminder to slow down and to stop for walkers.
Roger Zito- SaltaireDr- suggestion regarding the illegal parkingand the adoptionof a portable private beachsignat the beginning of entry way to limit entrance and reduce hazards of cars turning around.
Chris Dunn- Brightwater-asked if the ruling on golf carts had changed. Believes they are illegal on association roads.He also sees that the drivers often are very young children.
Mary Jane Plante- Sea Spray- encourages parents of children with motorized bikes etc.to ensure that they stop at the stop signs. Visibility by motorists are very limited creating a dangerous situation.
BE– addressed recently purchased radar signs will be movable to all streets;security guards will hand out flyers regarding vehicular speed to residents and guests as well as commercial drivers.
- Beach Maintenance
George Finley- discussed the conditions of the beach after a winter which deposited debris, sand as well excess shells; 40 dump trucks of sand as well as 2 dump trucks worth of shellswere carted away; very happy with current beach cleaner. New swim lines put out; lines are in according to DEEP GPS; raft hopefully will be in byJuly 1.
- 75th Anniversary / 4th of July
Julia Nixon- talked about the festivities regarding the 75thanniversary of OLS incorporation. Saturday July 2 festivities will include the parade, races and popsicles; a DJ on Brightwater (volunteer); pizza and salad truck, French fry truck and ice cream truck -all funded by fundraising and association contributions. Also thanked community and volunteers who assisted in the counting and distribution of t-shirts and sweatshirts. Look out for Carousel Night on Aug13th from 6-7 pm.
- Miscellaneous
MM– New Refuse Collection-after July1 both refuse barrels will be picked up onTuesdays. Reminded all dogs should be on a leash and there will beJune 25 wedding on Brightwaterbeach.
TA– commended and thanked Matt Merritt for his service as member of the board and as his role as president; presented him with a gift certificate to thank himfor his countless hours and guidance.
Motion was made to approve the minutes from the Fall Meeting 9/19/21.TA/MKR. Motion passed.
Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 11:46 AM. TA/MKR.
Submitted by Joanne Gilland
OLSBA Secretary