OLSBOG Meeting
Thursday, May 19th, 2022 – 6:30pm
56 Saltaire Drive, and offered via Zoom
Board of Governors and Association officers in attendance: Matt Merritt (MM) (in person), Norm Yester (NY) (in person), Tom Annulli (TA) (via Zoom) , Jay Moynihan (JM) (via Zoom), Bryan Even (BE) (in person), Al Roy (AR) (via Zoom), Joanne Gilland (JG) (via Zoom).
Absent: MaryKate Reynolds (MKR), Kathi Stickley (KS), Cliff Winkel (CW)
Member Guests: Approx. 15 people including board members
Call to Order: 6:33 PM
JM questioned if quorum was met and he believes 4 governors are needed to meet the quorum requirement. Not having a quorum would affect any vote but there are no votes pending in this BOG meeting.
Approval of minutes– May 2nd, 2022 BOG meeting motion made BE/JM
- Preparation for Spring Meeting–
- Congratulations to MaryKate and Kevin Reynolds on the birth of their baby girl, McKenzie
AR– Spring meeting presentation will consist of discussion on overall project updates, outstanding liabilities to date, and about going forward with options. Presentation will not have information, most likely, on additional grants.
MM– BOG will need to hold another meeting so that the budget can be voted on by the BOG before being put up for a vote by the association members at the Spring meeting.
AR– Fuss & O’Neil has been informed to cease any work that would generate a bill until further notice.
JM- wanted clarification on if the town was not originally part of the cost sharing group, would OLS get a reimbursement of our spending when our contribution was not 20.9%, but rather a higher contribution? MM said yes- we are all up to date with reconciliation and reconciliation was given to the WPCA. NY clarified that it was a trueup.
BE/TA– guard budget and schedule will be presented.
TA-Update regard to potential new board members
BE-Safety committee- road closures and new radar signs; will send out a notice to the community regarding the streets which are open for Memorial Day weekend and the schedule of street closures for the season.
MM– Open the meeting with association members and loved ones that we have lost
75thanniversary kick off will be presented by Julia Nixon
Old Colony and Miami Beach want to have recycling and trash pickup all in the same day
- Open– JM-asked about the call in from resident on 57 Billow (Wayne Rydzy)- MM has not talked with resident.
- Resident Comments: Jack Reynolds Saltaire Drive- thanked both boards for time taken; appreciates that Al froze orders to the engineering firm; requests that the association members will be apprised of how much debt each household is responsible for to date.
MM– prepared to present at Spring meeting any costs that we have incurred to this point. What we do not know is the final cost of project; laterals costs are also unknown.
At 7:16 PM, motion was made to adjourn. TA/AR