OLS BOG Meeting Minutes

Monday 05/02/2022

Via Zoom

Board of Governors and Association officers in attendance: Matt Merritt (MM), Norm Yester (NY), Tom Annulli (TA), Jay Moynihan (JM), MaryKate Reynolds (MKR), Kathi Stickley (KS),  Bryan Even (BE), Al Roy (AR), Joanne Gilland (JG), Cliff Winkel (CW) (joined at 6:38 PM)


Member Guests: Approx. 24 people including board


Meeting Call to Order: 6:32 PM

  1. Approval of minutes– April 11th, 2022 BOG meeting motion made TA/AR
  2. Financials ReviewNY
    • Report as of 4/26/22 on checking and savings
    • Income- revenue is right on as is budget
    • Expenses- good shape to date
    • Will expect cleaning and guard expense for Memorial Day weekend
  3. WPCA UpdateAR-Survey Update

Survey was crafted to determine respondents’ opinions and went out to 242 recipients; received a 40% participation rate and a 100% completion rate. Preliminary analysis shows broad and relatively strong support for all elements of the project; a more robust interpretation and presentation of results will be presented at the mid-May WPCA meeting.

JM– suggests that engineering goes back to original alternatives to sewers and bring forward to 2022 costs.

KS– asks board to look at new perspectives.

  1. BOG Openings: Update

TA– The nominating committee (KS, BE, TA) are in talks with several good candidates for the 3 open positions. (TA’s position is open but he will be running to continue in his role while MM and CW’s positions are open but they are not running.)

  1. Safety Committee– Radar Sign –BE– presented proposal regarding the road closures during Memorial Day weekend, the weekend of July 4th and Labor Day weekend; past practice was to close 3 streets and leave one open; plan this year is to close 2 streets and leave 2 open .  Goal is to reduce vehicular traffic and increase safety. Openings would alternate based on what street was opened last (Sea Spray and Billow will be open on Memorial Day).  Should limit internal beach street driving when residents learn the pattern; budget is same as last year; no increase at this time and no additional expense.  This does not change guard presence on the jetty and beach.  Complete plan will be shared at the Spring Meeting.
  2. Beach Cleaning: Update-Beach has been cleaned with 45-50 truckloads of sand carted away in addition to the dumpster full of shells which will be taken away. Attention will be paid to the raft and new buoy lines
  3. Spring Meeting– June 18th; MMwould like another BOG meeting 5/19 at 6:30 PM is date of next OLS BOG meeting.
  4. Open: Resident Comments:

Mike Riggio-316 Saltaire Dr- has the idea of reducing scope of project where houses north of Rt 156 are higher in elevation- believes the properties above Rt 156 should not need sewers- would still pay a clean water fee and contribute to the project with the roads and the storm water.

Wayne Rydzy-  Billow Rd- questions on property issues on Billow; MM- stated any further correspondence will be through attorneys.

Adjournment -7: 43PM- Motion to adjourn TA/AR