BOG Meeting Minutes_05/19/2022

OLSBOG Meeting Thursday, May 19th, 2022 – 6:30pm 56 Saltaire Drive, and offered via Zoom Board of Governors and Association officers in attendance: Matt Merritt (MM) (in person), Norm Yester (NY) (in person), Tom Annulli (TA) (via Zoom) , Jay Moynihan (JM) (via...

BOG Meeting Minutes_05/02/2022

OLS BOG Meeting Minutes Monday 05/02/2022 Via Zoom Board of Governors and Association officers in attendance: Matt Merritt (MM), Norm Yester (NY), Tom Annulli (TA), Jay Moynihan (JM), MaryKate Reynolds (MKR), Kathi Stickley (KS),  Bryan Even (BE), Al Roy (AR), Joanne...