OLS BOG Meeting Tuesday 03/29/2022

Via Zoom

Board of Governors and Association officers in attendance: Matt Merritt (MM), Norm Yester (NY), Tom Annulli (TA), Joanne Gilland (JG), Jay Moynihan (JM), MaryKate Reynolds (MKR), Al Roy (AR), Kathi Stickley (KS) ; Bryan Even (BE) joined at 6:59 PM

Absent: Cliff Winkel (CW)Member Guests: Approx. 28


Meeting Call to Order: 6:33 PM

Minutes for the BOG meeting 01/31/22-JM/TA approved and passed

OLS BOG Meeting 1/29/22 Follow up

1. Beach update-winter storms left debris on beach; clutter removal has begun. Next process to be completed is the removal of shells, grading and leveling of the sand. Hope to be completed by the middle of May.
Seeking a quote to replace the ropes and buoys; will have information for the Spring meeting.

2.  Schedule of Spring meetings include at least three BOG meetings as well as the association Spring Meeting.

3. 75th Anniversary of OLS- Julia Nixon- OLS 4th of July celebrations will be held on Saturday 7/02/2022. It will include the traditional parade and races; at night there will be a dj at no cost to the association 6:30-11:00 at Brightwater bench. At the Saltaire bench, there will be the french fry truck and pizza truck (pizza and salads); looking for board approval to pay for half the fee and fundraising will support the other 50%; fundraising will include sale of adult sized long sleeved tshirts and sweatshirts. Julia will send estimate of costs to the board.

MM-Will bring up for approval at the next meeting.

Carousel Night is Aug 13th at 6-7 pm – only for OLS and their guests.

New Business

4. Financials

NY- On pace with financials ; discussed the projection and setting of association fees.

5. WPCA update
AR- progress is slow at the moment; meeting notes posted from 1st quarterly meeting

WPCA options committee has been meeting weekly; ready for a presentation at the Spring Meeting; Beach associations in the cost sharing alliance signed with a lobbying firm with the goal of having more access to government funding. OLS share was less than 1200 dollars. Updated the financial liabilities; each household is responsible for 4250 dollars for debt repayment if we were to initiate repayment in February 2023.

Discussion on the timeframe if there was to be a shift to focusing on alternative methods to meet the mandate set by the state.
Current resolution that the association voted for cannot be fulfilled; Clearer idea of various options and potential outcomes by the Fall meeting

6. BOG openings-
MM, BE, TA, finished by June 30
NY and JG- annual appointees
TA- All guards including head guard are interested in coming back and potentially 3 more guards; TA and BE will work on it until July 1

7. Safety Committee-
MM-Discussed the need for additional radar signs and wants to add additional signs at a cost of 3000 each. There will be a vote at the next meeting.
BE-discussed the effectiveness of radar signs- has received encouraging feedback on purchase of radar signs.
Discussion followed if there should be signs for all four streets and location of signs.
Street signage could use updating. Will be discussed at the next meeting.
Break-ins have occurred at the beach over the winter.

Public Comment-
David Rosenburg 25 Billow- commented on placement and location of radar signs in order to minimize interference for residents to go in and out of driveways.

Paul Yellen offered assistance with painting the “Stop Ahead” signs on the road. Commented on if DEEP shared any thoughts on the high costs associated with the overall project.

Closing at 7:48 PM
TA motion to adjourn/AR seconded the motion

Minutes respectfully submitted by Joanne Gilland, Secretary Old Lyme Shores Association