OLSBA Spring Meeting Minutes
Lyme-Old Lyme Middle School Auditorium
53 Lyme Street
Old Lyme, CT
Board of Governors and Association officers in attendance: Matt Merritt (MM), Bryan Even (BE), Norm Yester (NY), Joanne Gilland (JG), MaryKate Reynolds (MKR), Tom Annulli (TA), , Joe Halloran (JH), Al Roy (AR), Cliff Winkel (CW)
Guests: Bill McCoy, attorney for OLS, Kurt Mailman, Lead Engineer, Fuss & O’Neill
OLS Members: 100 plus OLSBA Members
MM called the meeting to order at 10:10 AM.
Welcome – Introductions & Remarks
Recognition of Friends We have Lost- Remembrance mass at Christ the Church Sat July 3rd, 2020 at 5 pm.
Introduction of Board, and Guests
Approval of Minutes from Fall Meeting 9/12/2020 TA/member, motion passed
[Note: Every presenters’ slides can be can be accessed through this link]
Annual OLSBA Meeting – Presentation – June 19, 2021
FY 2021/2022 Budget-NY
Balance Sheet as of June 15, 2021 presented to the association
Budget vs Actual; question on the increase in legal and professional services in anticipation of services that could be needed
Motion was made to accept the budget as presented; motion passed
WPCA Update– JH/AR
Recognized WPCA members including newest member Sue Mahoney ; and other OLS members who have contributed to the WPCA; AL Roy will take over the role of chairman of WPCA
Website– AR discussed organization and the vast amount of information, meeting notices, agendas, minutes for BOG, WPCA, contracts, agreements, project materials and drawings, financials available on https://oldlymeshores.org
Wells– JH
- DPH Drinking water State Revolving Fund Grant- financial incentives are no longer being offered to well owners to abandon their wells.
Shared Infrastructure Project-Kurt Mailman
Presented the bidding process, alternatives and explained the decision making going forward.
- Out of 9 potential bidders, ended up with 2 bids received. Bids exceeded the association’s bonding capacity and the 50,000 per residential unit.
- Fuss and O’Neill talked to the companies that did not bid and gathered information from them. Reasons for their inaction ranged from trepidation with dealing with the peat which is poor soil and the high water table and the narrow widths of the roads. There was also worry about compromising the structural integrity of the houses along the roads. Estimates for pump station work came in 2.5 times higher than expected. Much volatility of pricing of materials. There was concern with working with Amtrak, the volatility of the pricing of materials and inexperience. [Details of bids are on the website.]
- Potential alternatives were discussed as well as strategies to reduce costs- discussion of the pros and cons of each alternative.
- Consensus was to rebid in Three (3) projects (Pump station/Bioxide Station, shorefront trunk sewer, and force main):
- Obtain DEEP Concurrence for Rebid
- Solicit CTDOT to delay Route 156 paving schedule
- Add Bid Alternate
- Directional Drilling along Shorefront Trunk Sewer
- Prepare proposal to rebid three (3) projects
- Minimize Contract Document modifications
- Rebid by August 1, 2021
- Advertise Internal Infrastructure Bid September 1, 2021
- Seek Additional Local, State, and Federal Funding to Defray Costs
Q & A/Financial Liabilities-AR
Discussed FAQ questions including:
- the last projected cost, per residence, of the overall sewer project (combined shared and OLSBA portions) prior to advertising contracts.
The estimate was $39,600/residence, payable over 25 years at 2% interest, plus individual connection costs (potentially $3-5K for “simple” connections, or $10K – plus for difficult connections, e.g., extensive bedrock) - the maximum cost per residence as authorized by the resolution adopted by the association in a vote in August of 2012
The maximum bonding amount authorized is $9,780,000, or $50,937 per residence ($9,780,000 / 192), plus individual connection costs. - the ramifications if the project was aborted
At present, each residence would be responsible to repay their portion of accumulated liabilities of approximately $801,425.97, or about $4,174.09. This amount is subject to change due to accumulating grant payments, interest charges, and potential legal fees related to termination of contracts, etc. The amounts currently identified are itemized in the attached WPCA Liabilities worksheet. If the sewer project does not go forward, roadways are ineligible for Clean Water Funds.If the sewer project does not go forward, drainage improvements are ineligible for Clean Water Funds.
- the amount of money the OLSBA has already contributed to the sewer project
At present, $332,527.10. - the ramifications if the project is postponed
We have worked closely with CT DOT to coordinate their paving project on Rt 156 with the installation of the forced main to East Lyme. If we postpone, we will likely lose savings associated with this coordination (potentially $1M), as the cost of final repair of the road after installation would be borne by the project.
Association Member Q and A
Lorraine Miller 315 Saltaire Drive-asked for clarification regarding the concern by potential bidders of the “concern of peat, high table, prox of foundations. Does this affect a certain number of houses- is that the location for homes near the shoreline- but within the scope of the entire association?“ Pipe with effluent from all residents needs to cross Sheffield brook to the pump station.
Paul Yellen 15 Billow Rd- What are the other partners (Old Colony, Miami, Town of Old Lyme) doing at this time since they must be experiencing the same issues? Also looking at alternative scenarios.
Unidentified Resident 305 Sea Spray- asked about the anticipatory costs as we go forward. 45 day bid process, potential bidders may have seen the past bids, hope for new info at the fall meeting; we would report the outcome and the viability of the project based on the approved bonding amount; we cannot exceed the maximum- it would require another formal vote.
Lorraine Miller 315 Saltaire Drive- 3 bids will note change companies’ reticence about working with Amtrak– additional cost burden to the contractor
(Kurt Mailman- discussed process of working with Amtrak)
Julia Nixon- Saltaire Dr- Is there a number a cost that will be a shared cost per househould? No firm number yet only a firm estimate 39600 per unit
MJ Plante-70 Seaspray – Afraid that project can go on and on; does not see how the price can go lower.
Nominating Committee – TA-
Presented BOG nominees- Kathi Stickley (nominated for three year term), Jay Moynihan (nominated for three year term) and Al Roy (1 year remaining in term of Joe Halloran), re-elected Mary Kate Reynolds for an additional 3 year term, and asked MM to serve for an additional year [similar request to serve an extra time period had been done around ten years ago during the presidency of Paul Rowean].
- Special Vote for the association to approve MM an additional year- all votes were Yes from the members
Nominated MM as President, BE as Vice President, JG as Secretary, NY -treasurer and tax collector
JG made the motion to approve the members as presented/ seconded and moved
Speed/Safety-Discussed traffic calming measures with engineers and OLS residents; presented image and description of speed tables; vote will be needed by the association.
Brightwater gate is still broken and will be fixed in the next few weeks
Schedule and locations of the guards was presented;
Reminder for trash/recycling barrels; reminder to be respectful to the guards
Beach Maintenance– MM/George Finley
Excess sand from erosion and was removed by Garvin
Excess shells have been hand raked but difficult to rake with machines presently used
Lines are in and fully operational by end of this week; raft will be in by July 1
Fourth of July Activities– Julia Nixon
Purchased shirts is funding the festivities in addition to the contribution by the Dileo family
Activities on Saturday July 3 include parade, judging and prizes.
Directories-MKR- send updates to the email on the website or on the hard copy directory (reynolds.mkm@gmail.com)
Miscellaneous– MM
Include prevalence of car break ins; responsibilities of dog owners- leashing and cleaning up after dogs, no dogs on the beaches;
Special recognition to Joe Halloran who tirelessly worked on the project for the past ten years.
Motion made to adjourn at 11:58 TA/ seconded and moved
Meeting minutes respectfully submitted by
Joanne Gilland,
Secretary of Old Lyme Shores Beach Association