06/06/2021 OLSBA BOG Meeting Minutes
Via Zoom and on site 56 Saltaire Dr, Old Lyme
BOG in attendance:
- Matt Merritt (MM), Bryan Even (BE), MaryKate Reynolds (MKR), Tom Annulli (TA), Norm Yester (NY), Joe Halloran (JH), Joanne Gilland (JG), Al Roy (AR); Cliff Winkel (CW)
- Guests: up to 26 OLSBA Members via Zoom
MMcalled the meeting to order at 9:33 AM.
Minutes from 05/30/21 OLS BOG Meeting were approved (TA/JH)
Preparation for Spring Meeting –MM
Preparation for meeting that has not seen a community together in person in almost 2 years; agenda ready by the 6/10; prepared agenda and budget sent out by secretary by mail to the community since there will be a vote at the spring meeting.
- Preparation with presentation of budget to be voted on, rebidding proposals; project split up into components ; discussion of funding the WPCA and the budgeting for the project; So far funds advanced by state for project would result in $3950 owed by each household (loan and accrued interest) If they also want the grant money back, it would add an extra 1000 dollars per house; So if we do nothing on the project at all, we do not get any contribution from the town of Old Lyme and each household could be responsible for up to 5000 dollars; we are responsible for 22 percent of the shared project. Timeline for new bidding (2 months on outside) ; Fall meeting would have definite direction of the project (issue of why did several contractors not bid) or a special meeting could be called on October or November if necessary; Should we take just the OLS package out to bid too? Recommendation of the group was yes. Worries that bids are only good for 30 days and we cannot procure the funds in that short of at time; We do not have funds available for immediate use. So many unknowns in the bidding process—
- BOG recommended to go ahead with rebid; budget as an expense that may be incurred if needed therefore one budget 25000 to WPCA and 20000 for legal or other; (placeholder) both as expenses on OLS side and coming out of reserves.
Vote: Motion was made to have 25k taken out of capital reserve to be available for WPCA and 20k line item for potential legal expenses from capital reserve (TA/NY). Motion passed.
Vote: Motion was made to withdraw last BOG meeting motion which approved 45k transfer to WPCA. (TA/MKR). Motion passed
- Discussion of specific slides for meeting presentation; focus on project which is in state of flux due to the bids received and the unknown of future bidding process; collectively the board decided to rebid within the confines of our legal documents (rebid in 2 or 3 projects -pump station and trunk line- force main separately or other iterations such as to rebid 3 part bid-trunk line, pump station and three miles of pipe – hoping to attract prime contractors and better and more competitive bids.
Vote: Motion was made to have the project rebid as a 3 part shared infrastructure . (JH/TA). Motion was passed. (TA amended motion to include “approved bid” as a stop motion.
- WPCA- JH resigned as chair and is not going into 4thterm on the WPCA after a ten year service; Al Roy will transition into the role of chairman of the WPCA ; interim term picked up by Al Roy.
- Discussion of other board members whose term is soon up- 3 year terms (MKR)
- Infrastructure- board decision to hold off discussion of speed tables and everyone needs to keep speed down and stop at stop signs; gate repair; fourth of July
- Guards/security, beach maintenance, rec program, movie night(s),
- Saltaire first street open in 2020 and Brightwater was closed in 2020; Brightwater the first street to be open in 2021.
- Part of the nominating committee’s discussion-Presidents term discussed; Matt asked to stay on another year especially with this project at a critical point- must be voted on and approved at the spring meeting- Matt is willing to do it;
- Budget- copy to secretary by Wed; slides to MKR by the 17th; agenda on Wednesday.
- Fuss and O’Neil, engineers, and Bill McCoy, attorney will be present at the Spring Meeting.
Resident Comments :
TA/BE made motion and approved to adjourn. Adjourned at 10:53 am
Minutes respectfully submitted by Joanne Gilland, Secretary