02/08/2021 OLSBA BOG Meeting Minutes

Via Zoom

BOG in attendance: 

  • Matt Merritt (MM), Pat Burns (PB), Bryan Even (BE), MaryKate Reynolds (MKR), Tom Annulli (TA), Norm Yester (NY), Joe Halloran (JH), Joanne Gilland (JG), Al Roy (AR)
  • Missing: Cliff Winkel (CW)
  • Guests: 30 plus OLSBA Members incl BOG members via Zoom

MMcalled the meeting to order at 7:01 PM.

  • An error in the agenda date was changed to 02/08/2021. The agenda was amended to include the approval of the 08/16/2020 BOG meeting.
  • Minutes from 08/16/20 OLS BOG Meeting were approved (PB/TA)


Treasurer’s Report– (TA)

YTD Financials– Expenses trending below budget but an expected increase in the spring due to maintenance of beach and payroll of guards for Memorial weekend and June weekends

Outstanding TaxesDue- owed by 6-7 residents

Portions of budget which cannot be bonded (ie, only 20% of drainage can be bonded, intermunicipal connection agreements) will need to be borrowed from private bank; currently gathering competitive bids from several banks; estimates a line of credit between 800 k and 1.2 million line will be needed


Sewer Project Update– (JH)

  • JH- minutes of the Jan 28, WPCA meeting were reviewed; minutes and 2021 WPCA meeting dates are posted on the website
  • Received the Special Use permit from the town’s Zoning Commission for the construction of sewers in Old Lyme Shores and Old Colony Beach including location of the bioxide station- The Zoning Commission listed several conditions including a setback of 35’ for bioxide shed; Amtrak permits; structures dredges and fill permit from DEEP Coastal Management; new manholes on the beach will need to be located as far away from the water as possible
  • Bid process for both projects (Shared & OLS) were reviewed with estimated time frame before construction approximately 24 weeks or 6 months
  • Shared bid documents were sent to DEEP on Feb 5 which should take a couple of weeks to review the drawings and the manual for compliance with state bidding requirements
  • OLS bid documents will be submitted to DEEP before the end of February
  • Wells- DEEP/ DPH/Ledge Light Health District – we are awaiting approval for the use of the heavier pipe (or sleeves) for all sewer pipes within 75’ of wells and for additional protection the joints of the sewer pipes (flowable fill)
  • Well owners who are not abandoning their wells will be required to conform to the heavier sewer pipe and joint protection as well and pay for any neighbors’ heavier pipe if within the 75’ radius
  • OLS and CT Water Co’s have applied for a DPH grant to assist well owners with water connections and well abandonment – PURA will be reviewing the application before approval by the Attorney General – note participating well owners will be responsible for the costs
  • After negotiations with the Beaches, F&O agreed to reduce the Shared Engineering Amendment #2 by $145,000 and reduce OLS’s amendment # 6 by $122,000. Major reductions included reduced costs of resident representation and lower F&O profit margin
  • MM indicated, as BOG president, he could approve these engineering amendments.
  • Use of ballfield reviewed as possibly saving OLS residents money
    • Rent to contractor for use as staging area (eg property across from police station is for rent) – contractors responsibility to locate staging area (potential of 5 construction projects)
    • Storage of sand for septic tank abandonment -Last year 20-30 industrial truckloads were given to HNB – Estimate that 1 truckload can be used to fill two septic tanks
  • Summer construction reviewed as a possibility with current estimate of August for start of sewer construction – well owners water connection could also be in the summer depending on approval of DPH/DWSRF grant- BOG will need to waive the construction for this summer and summer of 2022 –
  • Stormwater management overview has been posted on the website
  • Website- Al Roy with the aid of John Cunningham is restructuring the website so it can be more user friendly and provide easier access – this has become a significant project
    • MM thanked AL Roy for his work on the website- making it more transparent and a depository for all paperwork
  • WPCA accounting will be more complicated to account for the benefit assessment and well owners who want to participate in the DPH/DWSRF state funds
  • Nicola and Yester will be hired to take care of the accounting
  • [NOTE: for additional details regarding the sewer project, including relevant documents, please refer to the OLS / WPCA website for WPCA Minutes and Updates]


Safety Committee– (BE)

Roads, Easements, Speed Tables-Time spent on determining road widths and positioning of where the roads will be was important to the outcome- F and O sensitive to concerns of all stakeholders.  Imp. for safety equipment and waste removal trucks can fit on all streets. Easements in place or soon will be.

Speed table discussion will be brought up for the Spring meeting. Currently on the plans for pricing but will be able to be removed if the vote will not be passed. BOG has relinquished their ability to vote to the association; board will not take a position but members will be able to vote as association  members.


Beach Issues

Abundance of shells on OLS beach as well all along the whole coast; may be due to the 1-2 degree warmer water resulting in increase the shell beds offshore. Beach cleaner’s equipment cannot sift the shells from the sand; perhaps guards may need to hand rake to remove the shells to discourage odor. Also noted is the change in the fine crystalline nature of the sand.


Discussion of emails from concerned citizens; asked for identity of members. Board listened to concerns regarding the project. Prescheduled monthly WPCA meetings with the purpose to improve communication and transparency.

Email list should not be used outside of board approved and sanctioned purpose OLS BOG or WPCA approved use only

BE– feels it is a misappropriation of information and limit the use for appropriate reasons


Look Ahead to 2021- Fate of many of our summer events are still unknown because we will be following the governor’s orders (raft, band, movie night, parade, etc)


Resident Comments

BILL RANDAZZO- concerned about the authorization of the empty lot as the site for the bioxide shed.  Wanted to know when it was authorized, if the board had the right to authorize and what is OLS getting in return from the other members of the project in return?

MM– ball field was chosen as the proposed site for the bioxide shed; it will only encompass ten feet to the left of the basketball court; old shed and bb court will be removed; will be receiving a new larger shed in return with pavers and utilities.  The easement was approved andMMreferred to the legal document that the association can grant an easement to the infrastructure of the sewer project; passed in 2012 and 2019.  Written legal opinion from attorney on 9/10/20 and can be found on the website.

PAUL GRAML- In regard to the speed tables, urged the board to employ proxy voting which is allowed under our charter and has been used in the past; wants every association members’ voices to be heard.  MMwill look at mail out proxies.

MELISSA FIDLER questioned the speed bumps. Agreed to the safety for cars but questioned the safety for little kids with scooters and little bikes.

BEdescribed the height of the table and that it would not go from edge of the grass to the edge of the grass; space on the side will not have a rise due to allowance of water runoff.

ANNE CONWAYquestioned if everyone had to hook up to the sewers which was answered to the affirmative.

KATHY STICKLEY commented on the bid process, the sharing with the community and warned of issues that the town of Trumbull experienced.

JHexplained the bid process and the necessity of getting the lowest responsive bid, and post in local newspapers etc.; part of eval of bids is to investigate each of the bidders regarding ability to do the job and past record; OLS and other beaches will have an on site representative working on our behalf; updates on progress at the monthly meetings.  Discussion of bonding of contractors.

MIKE RIGGIO recommended to prequalify the bidders which was explained by JHnot to be possible until afterwards.


JAY MOYNIHAN commented on different bonds such as performance bond.  He also asked the board to take a look at the association’s charter regarding if the association has to vote regarding acquisition or utilization regards to purchase (73 Portland) or regarding the use of the other property. He asked if the showers and boat ramp on Billow were withdrawn from part of the project. MMaffirmed that they were out at the present scope.

MELISSA FIDLER asked about status of current shower which will remain unchanged.

KEVIN REYNOLDS commented that discussion is needed on the staging unit on the ball field due to the nuisance of the trucks and/or storage of sand. It is our responsibility to listen to the complaints which need to be addressed. We owe it to the owners and our neighbors. the association needs to be heard and be able to voice their opinions and concerns.

Questions from emails-

Can BOG purchase property?  Yes- outlined under 2012 resolution and Section 1 of the resolution further amended in 2019 gave the board authority.

JACK REYNOLDS- opposed to 2 years of staging [in the ball field]; received a legal opinion (2) says that it cannot be done- damages can be accrued.

Amend 6- appreciate the saving of the money-Aug 16 approved an additional 1.4 million

Kathy Stickley, Jay Moynihan, Jack Reynolds signers- approx. 60 other people who have expressed agreement with “Concerned Citizens”—says has 4 days under FOI to answer questions; wants their questions to be embraced and welcomed; town has stated there is alternate property that can be used; email addresses list- is a public document

PAUL GRAML – email list- should only be sent to people who ask for it- opt in

MELISSA FIDLER asked if there is any cap of individual spending?

MM– feed back from engineers and DEEP is needed as well as gettting bid documents returned.

BILL RANDAZZO mentioned if the fire department was contacted for widths and gates.

BE– FD reviewed the plan and used that to determine the locations of fire hydrants in order to support community; gates have been priced out and reviewed

JACK REYNOLDS  wants the board to listen to the questions from association members who have experience; wants to have someone with experience working as our advocate.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM (TA/ MKR)


Minutes respectfully submitted by Joanne Gilland, OLSBA Secretary