When: October 24, 2020
Where: Virtual Meeting via ZOOM/Teleconference
The meeting was called to order at 10:03 AM by Dede DeRosa, Vice Chair
WPCA Members present: Dede DeRosa, Al Roy, Tom Annuilli, John Cuningham, Bob Palazzo, Patrick Burns and Matt Merritt (ex-officio). Joe Halloran was absent.
Approximately 39 additional residents/guests were also present on the call.
Dede opened the meeting by announcing that Joe Halloran was unexpectedly absent due to illness and we did not want to cancel the meeting so would do our best to get through the agenda understanding that some items may need to be tabled until a later date. Dede also thanked Jack Reynolds for his long term service on the WPCA as he rotated off the board this summer and she welcomed Al Roy to the WPCA board. Dede acknowledged the large number of participants on the call and requested that questions and comments be held until the end of the meeting.
A motion was made and seconded to approve the meeting Minutes from May 25, 2020. Unanimously approved and available on the website.
Treasurer’s Report
Tom Annuilli orally presented the Treasurer’s report and later forwarded the reports in writing and they are included as part of these minutes.
Tom Annuilli provided a status on his efforts to secure private funds for ineligible expenses and advances needed for shared infrastructure expenses. Tom has been in contact with local/regional banks and the process is moving forward. There are no “red flags” in regards to securing this type of loan and interest rates remain highly favorable.
The latest project cost estimate by Fuss & O’Neill was provided at the OLSBA Fall Meeting held in September and has been posted to the website.
Election of WPCA Officer’s
A motion was made by Tom Annuilli and seconded by John Cunningham to accept the slate of officers:
Chairman – Joe Halloran
Vice Chairman – Al Roy
Secretary – Dede DeRosa
Treasured – Tom Annuilli
Unanimously approved.
Shared Infrastructure Update
The following approvals have been secured:
The Town of Old Lyme has officially agreed to join the Cost Sharing Agreement with OLS, Old Colony and Miami Beach. OL has also reimbursed the beaches for their percentage of shared expenditures to date.
Agreement was reached with the owner of empty lot in Miami Beach where the Pump Station will be located. The lot will now be acquired for $50K by the beaches as opposed to being made available through an easement for $50K.
Agreement was reached with the owner of the Pavillion for an easement through the parking lot.
DOT has given tacit approval for bridge modifications on Rt. 156. A member of Old Colony is working with DOT to coordinate paving of Rt.156 post construction which will help with cost containment.
A Special Permit application was made to the town of Old Lyme for the construction of the sewer system and all associated components on Old Colony and Old Lyme Shores property. Sewer system design documents were submitted to the Zoning Board and based on the volume of material needing review, the Zoning Board postponed discussion of this item until the November meeting. Because the sewers impact all residents of OLS and OC, official notice of the special permit application was required to be mailed to all residents of both beaches.
There was brief discussion on the construction bid documents. A vote on authorizing the Chairman to sign these documents was tabled until Joe is available to review with the WPCA Board Members.
Connecticut Water Company (CWC) Update
The CWC project in OLS is still scheduled for year-end completion. Seasonal water laterals are being replaced for existing customers. Some residents who are existing customers and have approval for year-round service are installing deep-water service now. New service connections for well owners will not be completed until next year. We have been working with DEEP and the Dept. of Health and each well owner to determine future plans for each of the 80 wells in OLS. This is required for our sewer bid package.
OLS Sewer Project Update
Easements from 7 homeowners are required for road re-construction. Matt Merritt and Brian Even have contacted 6 of the 7 to review impacts. Easement documents will need to be developed and signed.
Al Roy has agreed to take the lead role in overseeing our sewer plans as we transition from planning, design, and approvals to construction and implementation. As a first step, Al provided an overview of a proposal to enhance the availability of project related information involving an enhanced website similar to what Point of Woods has. This would allow residents to more easily access information and documents on all aspects of the project and ongoing operations. Currently information resides in multiple locations, appears to be incomplete and is not easily accessible. In order to expedite shoring up our current capabilities we may need to hire some dedicated outside resource(s). There was discussion regarding improving overall communications given the level of activity and resident concerns on costs and process. There was also discussion on whether we should establish a dedicated WPCA website or leverage our current OLS website.
Al recommended that the board take a look at what Point of Woods has developed and agreed to get in touch with a someone at POW to review their approach, costs, etc. in more detail. It was also recommended that we increase the frequency of WPCA meetings now that project activity is ramping up and becoming more tangible.
Stormwater Management
The contractor for the Water pipe replacement (VMS) has uncovered some of the current storm drainage pipes that show how deteriorated they are are. The pipe at the end of Saltaire and Sea Lane had to be replaced. We will be developing further information for our residents to highlight the improvements to our drainage system.
Review Correspondence Received/Comments from Residents
Two letters were sent to the BOG and WPCA this week representing the concerns of a number of residents regarding project costs, decision-making process and organization. In addition, several residents spoke on the call to reiterate these concerns and ask additional questions. Dede stated that she would document the questions and follow up with the BOG and WPCA to address the concerns and report back to the residents.
A motion was made and meeting was adjourned at 11:45AM.
Minutes submitted by Dede DeRosa, Secretary Old Lyme Shores Beach Association WPCA
The following issues/concerns as written represent the best recollection and understanding of statements made by several residents during the OLS WPCA 10/24/2020 virtual meeting. This summary of statements is intended to facilitate discussion and does not represent the position of the board.
Costs have escalated substantially since 2012 and are currently estimated at $39,568 plus the cost of lateral connection with no apparent ceiling
There is a perception that the WPCA has not established a budget and is not focused on cost containment
It is unclear who is making decisions. Too much overlap and/or confusion regarding the roles and responsibilities of the BOG and WPCA
There is a lack of understanding about the Fuss & O’Neill costs and how increases are being approved. The contract amendment process is not transparent enough.
There is a perception that items are being added to the plan that are beyond the original scope of sewers, drinking water, hydrants, drainage, roads.
A recommendation was made to hire an outside project manager to work on behalf of the WPCA to oversee Fuss & O’Neill and improve communications.
A recommendation was made to hold more regular WPCA meetings.
Critical documents and decisions should be reviewed more broadly before being approved.
Concerns have been raised about the unilateral repurposing of the OLS ball field into a chemical/industrial station. Can this be relocated? Mixed opinions on deed restrictions?
Some are questioning whether the project should move forward.