Old Lyme Shores Beach Association Fall Meeting Minutes-9/12/20
Saturday, September 12, 2020
Via Zoom

BOG in attendance:
Matt Merritt (MM), Pat Burns (PB), Bryan Even (BE), MaryKate Reynolds (MKR), Tom Annulli (TA), Norm Yester (NY), Joe Halloran (JH), Joanne Gilland (JG), Cliff Winkel (CW)
Guests: WPCA members including Al Roy, new WPCA member, and OLSBA Members via Zoom video or teleconference ; Kurt Mailman (KM) from Fuss & O’Neill
MM called the meeting to order at 10:01 AM.
Minutes from 06/20/20 Spring Meeting were approved (BE/TA)

Sewer- Updated Cost Analysis, Schedule
Estimated Project Costs
JH- At the August 11, 2012 OLS special meeting, we approved a bond of $9,700,000 for a sanitary sewer system, storm drainage improvements, road reconstruction and water system improvements. The total project improvements were estimated to be between $28,000 and $41,000 per parcel. This approval did not include individual water and sewer hookup or septic system abandonment.

At the September 21, 2019 Fall special meeting we reaffirmed the $9,700,00 bonding and voted to approve OLS to obtain private financing for costs not covered by Clean Water Funding.

The OLS project cost has increased from $6,600,000 in 2013 to $7,600,000 in 2020 –
The 2020 estimated benefit assessment costs per resident are $39,600 or $2600 per year
Sewer connection and septic system abandonment are not included.
Well only residents may have additional hookup and well abandonment expenses that we anticipate will be covered by a grant (25% / 75%) from DPH (DWSRF).
In 2013 we estimated that the cost per resident would be $34,300 and in Sep 2020 it is $39,600.

Fuss & O’Neill has developed listing of the changes to the DEEP eligible construction cost estimates for OLS and the shared projects between 2013 and 2020.
Note: the project has not changed from the 2012 original bonding resolution; i.e. sanitary sewer system, storm drainage improvements, road reconstruction and water system improvements. Unfortunately, the costs have increased.
Cost of project decreases –
• Miami Beach & Sound View sharing infrastructure costs
• CWC installing the water mains and fire hydrants
• Purchase of private property for pump station rather than an easement from Town of Old Lyme
Cost of project increases –
• 20% inflationary costs
• Intermunicipal agreements with East Lyme and New London
• Extra DOT required road work and AMTRAK crossing
• Geotechnical accommodations- -poor soils in Sound View
• Drainage / Stormwater Management –
• Bedrock in Old Lyme Shores
• Pipe jacking beneath Sheffield Brook
• Backflow preventers – required by Old Lyme zoning for homes within Flood Zone
• Increased height of shared pump station due to FEMA mapping changes
• Engineering and permitting
The actual costs per resident will be known when we receive the construction bid results.
Estimated start of construction April 2021 and completion August 2022

CWC Update-
Saltaire Drive is almost finished with the water main installation and then the contractor will start Sea Lane to Seaspray and then the streets north of Rte. 156. The contractor encountered a significant amount of ledge on Billow which slowed their progress.
Lateral hookups to existing CWC customers will start on Brightwater.
CWC/VMS focused on completing their work with existing customers by Dec. to comply with PURA.

If residents want additional water work done, they must coordinate work with CWC and their contractor once the new deep-water main has been activated. Several residents with wells have already obtained quotes from local contractors.

Storm Water Project
Design is virtually complete – goal is to control the flow of rainwater to minimize flooding through new catch basins channeling water through new outfalls into Long Island Sound.
Because of the large scope of the project including the outfalls into Long Island, DEEP Coastal Resources requires a major review and coastal area management permit (Structural Draining & Fill – SDF) which normally has a 6-month review. DEEP has agreed to allow concurrent review of the SDF permit with bidding the sewer project.

KM- design is almost complete; modeling phase with alternatives-budgeting 850k construction costs for the upgrades; outflow at pipe on crabbing rocks, pipe will be upgraded and fixed
Dredging and fill permit subject to approval of flood management and certificate.

Well Owner’s Update
Majority of well owners have been contacted by BE and Dede Derosa to determine owner’s plans regarding fate of their well; 15 still need to be contacted about their plans

Many OLSBA members had questions regarding determination of full year status and procedure for homeowners to take for connection to year-round water
BE-a. Contact Ledgelight Health District. Complete form [B100a: Application for Building Addition, Change in Use, Accessory Structure, or Lot Line Change ]. (DeDE Derosa- Form B100 is necessary only if owner wants use of water this winter). Contacts at Ledgelight Health are Wendy Brown Arnold and Patty Myers. They will look at property etc and they will make the decision if you qualify for year-round water then they will coordinate directly with CWC who will establish your service.
b. Old Lyme building dept for approval of your house
c. Old Lyme Zoning for approval

Questions from members regarding cost per homeowner (39600 dollars available to be paid over 20 years)) and availability to view itemized details. Owners urged to look at the OLSBA website for details.
Additional costs to the owner include cost to abandon septic (about 2500-3000) and 100 per foot for sewer line. (May about be 5000 or so to run a line and abandon septic).
Owner asked if possible to take another vote on project because he felt scope has changed.
MM- Ramps, showers are for discussion only and have not been voted on- vote will be at the spring meeting- OLS has been mandated on project and cannot revote without legal counsel.
Discussion also included the desire to hold the Spring Meeting 2021 in person so that residents will have a chance to understand the finances of the project (WPCA) and discuss the potential of other improvements (BOG) that should be part of the tax base.
Participants were concerned how the timing of any bid awarded could be affected by the Spring Meeting 2021 timetable. Improvements outside of the scope of the project would be put in as bid options.

Proposed Billow Road Boat Ramp
Any discussion on ramps (and possible showers and or footbaths) would be tabled to the Spring Meeting.

Safety Committee
BE- Speed Tables have been investigated; 6 foot ramp up and 20 foot table (3inches up from street) and 6 feet ramp on the other side; attempting to have a temporary speed table this fall so that people can travel over it and form an opinion before the vote at the spring meeting.
Members asked about liability and possibility that drivers will still be able to travel at speeds of 20-25 mph.

Budget-YTD Collection, Mill Rate
Owners saw their tax bill decrease
NY-95% collection of dues-
21000 to date

21500 spent on security; next year’s budget in line with this year
TA- thanked the guards for their work and discussed staffing and possible changes in staffing next summer

New Directory
MKR- received contact info from owners and an electronic file was sent out. Changes still can be made and send updates to MKR. Some hard copies will be available possibly at the Spring 2021 Meeting.

Beach Issues-
Shells- Discussion with DEEP regarding high number of mussels shells- problem along the coast due to temperature and conditions of water.

Buy a brick- on the website available for purchase

Meeting was adjourned at 12:01 PM (TA/BE)

Minutes respectfully submitted by Joanne Gilland, Secretary Old Lyme Shores Beach Association