
Old Lyme Shores Beach Association BOG Meeting Minutes

Saturday, August 16, 2020 Via Zoom

BOG in attendance:

Matt Merritt (MM), Pat Burns (PB), Bryan Even (BE), MaryKate Reynolds (MKR), Tom Annulli (TA), Norm Yester (NY), Joe Halloran (JH), Joanne Gilland (JG), Cliff Winkel (CW)

Guests: Multiple WPCA and OLSBA Members via Zoom video or teleconferenceMM called the meeting to order at 10:01 AM.

Minutes from 06/20/20 BOG were approved (MM/TA)

WPCA Board-Member Vote

JH- Update and summary timeline for bidding

• Motion was made that the BOG appoint Dede DeRosa (DD) and Al Roy (AR) to the WPCA for 3- year terms July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2023.

Motion passed. (JH/TA)
73 Portland Avenue Purchase

Owners of 73 Portland Avenue now want to sell the property- sale price is the same as the easement ($50,000) which will be shared by the Cost Sharing Agreement beaches (Miami Beach, Old Colony and OLS) and by Old Lyme when they join the CSA. The BOG approved the OLSB President & WPCA Chairman to sign the easement at the May 2, 2020 meeting.

• Motion was made that the BOG authorize the OLSBA President and Chairman of the WPCA to approve and sign the sales agreement.

Motion passed. (JH/PB)

Sewer and CWC Update

The estimated cost for the pump station infrastructure and force main have increased from $6 M to $8 M. Some reasons are due to:

Soft soil (peat) in Sound View based on Geotech drawings

Amtrak – requirement to place sewer pipe under bridge vs hanging on wall requires major construction

Odor Control station

Eversource requirements for power to pump station
Estimated start of construction April 2021 and completion August 2022


Fuss & O’Neill working on additional permits with the Town, AMTRAK, DOT, DEEP (Coastal Resources General Permit for Structures Dredging & Fill SDF & Flood Management Certificate)

Amendments – Engineering Agreement, Shared

Fuss & O’Neill has submitted an Amendment to the Engineering Agreement to the Beaches for the construction phase in the amount of $830,400. Old Lyme Shores share is 29% or $240,700. These costs were not included in the original agreement and identified as TBD.

Design $58,000
Permitting $36,200
Construction Administrative Services $171,000
Resident Representation through the construction phase $516,000 Special Services during construction $47,800

• Motion was made to approve Fuss & O’Neill amendment #2 to the Engineering Agreement for the pump station and force main
These costs were included in our May 6, 2020 Estimated Costs of $39,000 per resident or $2600 per year. Numbers referred to as TBA/D but since we are close to the construction phase, we are getting numbers specific.

NY- Noted that the cost to the homeowner will be closer to $50,000 without any changeovers. Estimates for the homeowner to this point has been $39,000 and delays in the project have caused increases in cost. The addition of the town as the fourth leg in the project have stabilized the costs.

Motion passed. (JH/BE)

Old Lyme Shores Infrastructure Project

Design 95% complete
–need some minor road easements from some residents – BE and MM will be reviewing
–road widths, road safety improvements and a new ramp at end of Billow Rd as well as new showers will be reviewed at Fall meeting
Estimated start of construction March 2021 and completion August 2022

Fuss & O’Neill has submitted an Amendment to the Engineering Agreement for the construction phase in the amount of $564,800 and includes work on sewers, drainage, and wells. These costs were not included in the original agreement and identified as TBD.

Construction Administrative Services $121,800
Resident Representation through the construction phase $426,500 Record drawings – $24,400

Note: these costs were included in our May 6, 2020 Estimated Costs of $39,000 per resident or $2600 per year.

• Motion was made to approve Fuss & O’Neill amendment #6 to the OLS Engineering Agreement for Old Lyme Shores in the amount of $564,800
Discussion- PB questioned the reasoning the numbers for a future service were being added now.


Motion passed. (JH/PB)
Stormwater Management / Drainage
Design is virtually complete – goal is to control the flow of rainwater to minimize flooding
Because of the large scope of the project including the outfall into Long Island, DEEP Coastal Resources requires a major review and coastal area management permit (Structural Draining & Fill – SDF) which normally has a 4-6-month review. We are working with DEEP to allow concurrent review of the permit with bidding the sewer project.

• Motion was made that the BOG approve the Fuss & O’Neill Amendment #1 to the Stormwater Management Agreement in the amount of $33,505 for the permit preparation for this SDF permit.

Motion passed (JH/TA)

A second ramp has been identified as making sense because of the location of the kayak racks and small boats on Billow beach.

• Motion was made that the BOG authorize the President to have Fuss & O’Neill prepare a boat ramp design (and shower and water fountain) at the end of Billow Rd.Discussion-Estimates can be done now and the need for the ramp, showers and fountains can be discussed at the fall meeting. Showers at the end of each road can be 30-35000. Discussion of stone wall repair might need to be looked at if ramp will be amending the stone wall. TA warned of creep costs. Perhaps a separate project in the future could address the stone walls along the beach.

Motion passed (JH/TA)

CT Water Co – CWC

Project starts on Monday on Saltaire Drive then Sea Lane to Seaspray
VMS encountered a significant amount of ledge on Billow which slowed their progress
CWC/VMS focused on completing their work with existing customers by Dec. to comply with PURA.

If residents want additional water work done, they must complete a CWC application and coordinate work with their contractor once the new deep main has been activated.

Well Owner’s Update


NY- Deep service meters installation has to be coordinated with CWC-Brightwater has been tested- service connections- deep curb stop at 4 feet installed for every customer

Looking into putting the deep pit in now- contractor will still have to dig a deep meter pit- Please contact the CWC who will tell you what type to buy.


BE-Emails have been sent to all 76 well owners providing information on their well options and requesting information on the approach they plan to take based upon information from DPH. Not everyone has sent back a response. Attention will be spent on those who have yet to respond. Depending on the distance between their wells and the location of their sewer laterals, options include abandoning their well and signing up for service with the CWC, keeping their well for irrigation and

using CWC for their home consumption, or keeping their well and not utilizing CWC. IF that is a viable option, owners will have to pay for a thicker pipe and a backflow preventor on their line. The information is being reviewed with DEEP and DPH for grant assistance.
JH-For those who opt to participate in the state revolving fund grant, there is a time frame issue, but at the time, we do not know when it is.

BE & DD are championing this project with Kevin Flood of Fuss & O’Neill.

Directory Update
MKR- Directory almost complete; next step to email out as pdf for corrections.


Safety Committee – Roads, easements, ect.

MM- Discussion of speed tables have been tabled in the past but they will have to be discussed and voted on at this fall meeting. NY discussed the need of a prototype and BE said that it must be in place for the busy Labor Day weekend. If constructed, it should be at the top of the road with the open gate so most association members are able to drive over. Prototype should be made from asphalt with a 32- inch stretch.

TA-looked into discussions with local lenders for short term private funding but lenders need

more refined numbers.

MM- looking for agenda requests for the fall meeting which is the second Saturday in September. The discussion was held to determine if the meeting should be held in person or remotely. All agreed a remote and virtual meeting is prudent but the vote will have to be done in a secure and accurate way. A mechanism to record such votes is being investigated.

Question from a guest on the necessity of using the ball field as the staging area for the construction project. He felt that the project staging area had adversely affected his living space and his summer. He wanted the association to look at alternate sites including a private property on Rt 156.


Meeting was adjourned at 11:35 AM (TA/MKR)

Minutes respectfully submitted by Joanne Gilland, Secretary Old Lyme Shores Beach Association