Old Lyme Shores Beach Association
BOG Meeting Minutes
Saturday, June 20, 2020
BOG in attendance:
Matt Merritt (MM), Pat Burns (PB), Bryan Even (BE), MaryKate Reynolds (MKR), Tom Annulli (TA), Norm Yester (NY), Joe Halloran (JH), Joanne Gilland (JG)
Absent: Cliff Winkel (CW)
Guests: Multiple OLSBA Members via Zoom video or teleconference
MMcalled the meeting to order at 10:05 AM.
Minutes from 05/30/20 BOG were approved (TA/BE)
- Welcome – Meeting Controls
Due to unprecedented times, board members’ presentations limited to 5 minutes
- Budget Review
[Line item budget to be sent to OLS community]
TA-Significant cuts were made to reduce spending but still able to maintain safety and beach maintenance (infrastructure, cleaning, pipe repair).
Budget was cut which approximates ⅓ less than last year.
- WPCA Update and 4. Storm Water Project Update
JH-WPCA updates and documents posted on website www.oldlymeshores.orgincluding meeting notes from today.
Old Lyme Shores Infrastructure Project
Estimated costs updated by F&O on May 6 to be $39,000 per EDU or $2561 per year over 20 years
All residents to share equally in the infrastructure costs and Operation & Maintenance and flow expenses
Homeowners are required to connect to the new sewer system and abandon their septic system
[Dec 2019 PowerPoint on Sewer Hook Up and Septic System abandonment posted on website.]
Includes estimates for Clean Water Fund eligible grant and OLS secured loans for ineligible expenses. Ineligible expenses include Buy-in fees to East Lyme & New London; Storm Drainage improvements
May 6, 2020 Estimated Costs by Fuss & O’Neill posted on website
–need some minor road easements from some residents – BE & MM will be reviewing
–road widths, road safety improvements and a new ramp at end of Billow Rd will be reviewed at Fall meeting
Estimated Construction start date Jan 2021
Estimated completion date August 2022
Pump station/Shared Infrastructure:
Agreement reached with Town to add Sound View into the Cost Sharing agreement – reduces our share from 30% to 21%
Finalizing easements with Town and private properties for pump station, sewer pipes and odor control (OLS Ballfield)
Working on additional permits with AMTRAK, DOT, DEEP (Coastal Resources & Flood Management
Completed design review and construction bids scheduled to be reviewed in Dec –
CWF Construction Grant / Loan review by DEEP – takes about 4 months
Estimated Construction start date April 2021 and estimated completion date August 2022
– June 20, 2020 Timetable Project Milestones posted on website
– June 20 Pump Station Odor control system PowerPoint posted on website
Drainage/stormwater Project-
Cost is largely not eligible for cleanwater funds but it would be negligent if we did not address this while the roads are open.
Goal is to control the flow of rainwater to minimize flooding;
To control the flow of rain water through the addition of some curbing to funnel water to catch basins to a new collector pipe along Bellaire Road and discharging into Long Island Sound.
To catch basins located to catch flow from existing swales/drains in backyards (we are not going on private property).
To provide new connections to sump pumps currently draining into catch basins
-Primary outflow will be the larger outfall in crabbing rocks jetty (change diameter of pipe from 12” to 24”); secondary outfall into Sheffield Brook below the culverts
Because of the large scope of the project, DEEP Coastal Resources requires a major review and coastal area management permit (Structural Draining & Fill) which normally has a 4-6-month review
Tentative schedule for next 2 months – all work below Rte. 156
-Currently working on Brightwater
-Sea Lane to Billow and Billow Road– to July 17
-Sea Lane to Saltaire and Saltaire -to Aug 14
-Sea Lane to Seaspray
CWC/VMS focused on completing their work with existing customers through Oct.
Additional work for residents will be entertained by VMS in Nov.
–deep service meter
–deep service connection to house
If residents want work done before Nov, another contractor can be utilized once the new deep main has been installed and tested and resident must complete application to CWC to coordinate tapping the main line; additional contractor can be hired to complete the deep line – must be customer/account holder with CWC- Shannon Miles from CWC is contact
OLS has 76 wells most of which encroach on the 75’ separation from the sewer line required in the DPH Health Code
OLS will be installing heavy duty sewer pipe to meet the 75’ separation requirement
33 wells are within the 25’ separation from the sewer line
It is anticipated that the homeowners with wells within 25 feet of sewer and lateral piping will have to abandon their wells.
We anticipate receiving the official notification from DPH soon!
We have applied for and anticipate receiving a grant from DPH in Sept to assist well owners in connecting to CWC and abandoning their wells. (25% subsidy and a 75% loan paid over time)
DPH requires that we wait until after CWC has completed their work and OLS bids in accordance with CT State bidding requirements.
Each well owner that participates in the grant will assume their costs of connection and abandonment. Goal is to have as many well owners connect to CWC to minimize tearing up our new roads in the future.
Please look at the website www.oldlymeshores.orgfor postings of meeting minutes and updates from WPCA including the May 8, 2020 F&O Water source study (wells separation from sewers) listing all wells.
- Safety Committee – Roads, easements, etc.
BE-Construction of mains- Brightwater slower due to ledge and rock, moving to Billow next; very professional crew to direct vehicular and foot traffic;
Public is reminded to give crew the space.
Review of road width- changing to maintain constancy- width south of 156- will be 18 ft; north of 156, streets width will be 16 ft; cross street will be 17 ft, North and Canty- 14 ft width.
Ends of road down by beach will become wider for emergency vehicles, parking work crews, social gatherings, etc
Traffic- plan to purchase additional radar signs will be delayed. Drivers reminded to slow down- maintain15 mph (especially with construction)
Speed tables- construction delayed- discussion tabled until the fall.
- Guards – Update
Guards currently reporting to the Safety Committee.
TA-Chris Merritt is the head guard while Annie Gilland and Chris Bird are Senior guards.
During week M-F- all gates open; gates closed Sat/Sun June through August
2 guards on road, 2 guards on the beach, 5th guard rotating and covering between hours 12-3 pm; monitoring the no eating/ no bottles, no cans on the beach.
Treat the guards with respect. If questions, etc, Chris Merrit is the first point of contact.
Please observe the STOP signs and drivers come to a complete stop (including the first stop sign at the guard station.)
- Directory Update
MKR-Everyone should have received an email with their current information listed. Members should reply with correction or “leave as is”.
Directory should be available in the next couple of weeks as an electronic version first but with hard copies available.
- Nominating Committee
TA-There is an opening for board member. Looking for volunteers.
Motion made to nominate and vote for
Matt Merritt as President
Bryan Even as Vice President
Norm Yester as Treasurer
Joanne Gilland as Secretary
TAmade the motion/MKRseconded Motion Passed
- 2020 rentals- Order by governor has been lifted so rentals may commence.
- 7/04 activities- canceled
- MC Band- canceled
- Raft- not put in and no Rec
- Movies- may be readdressed on phase 3 but at this point in time not happening
- Online pay button for taxes- on website- you will be able to pay online; however, the account charges 2.2% as a service fee and it is not automatically added to the tax. Currently the OLS receives 2.2% less which is not desirable. If member elects to pay this way, please pay the extra 2.2% and add on to taxes.
- Buy a Brick- Goal to sell 100 bricks per street. It will self fund the project. Please go on website where ordering and design is live.
Questions/Member Discussion:
- Section by section- pressure test; open up the main- separate crew will do house connections- after the testing and opening of main lines- chosen contractor can install deep meter- perhaps by September or end of the summer
- Soundview is relocating mainline from back yard to the street; contractor putting in deep service connection and mainline- gives them year round capability but not status; CWC will still be turning off the water for their customer.
- Year round status is different- home owner must go through the town and go through their certification requirements.
- Secure website- will be looked into
- Rocky Neck State Park filled to capacity and closes by 1030 in the am- during the week; should the guards be present and gates closed then to prevent overflow?
- Houses on Gorton Ave are under siege with the construction staging area being right there on the ballfield. Area filled with dust, sound, – very difficult to living and opening windows. Member states his
- Line budget needs to be sent out to memberships
- Cost per house- 20-25 k- went to 40k but now at 39 k- includes lateral hookup (35 ols and lateral – main to curb hookup; POW was 20 k a house (15 years ago)
- 39 k includes lateral hookup- over 20 years around 2500 per year
- What is the frequency on beach cleaning?- reduced 1day/week in June and every day in July/August
- Seaweed- in rec field- instructed not to dump in rec field
Meeting was adjourned at 11:27 AM (TA/NY)
Minutes respectfully submitted by Joanne Gilland, Secretary Old Lyme Shores Beach Association