Old Lyme Shores Beach Association

BOG Meeting Minutes

Saturday, May 2nd, 2020

Via RingCentral Videoconference

BOG in attendance:

Matt Merritt (MM), Cliff Winkel (CW), Pat Burns (PB), Bryan Even (BE), Frank Meaney (FM), MaryKate Reynolds (MKR), Tom Annulli (TA), Norm Yester (NY), Joe Halloran (JH), Joanne Gilland (JG)

Guests: George Finley, Several OLSBA Members

MM called the meeting to order at 10:01 AM.

Minutes from 02/20/20 were approved (FM/JH)

1.COVID-19: Impact and Control Measures

MM- The decision by the Old Lyme Government to close the town beaches to promote social distancing and the impending hot weather resulted in OLS deciding to close 3 out of the 4 gates on the 5/02 Saturday and 5/03 Sunday weekend and place an OLS security guard at the open gate on Saltaire.   (Future weekends are tbd.) Covid 19’s impact on behavior and practices will result in modified roles for the security guards this summer.  It may also have an impact on revenue due to Governor Lamont’s extension of property tax relief to Covid-19 affected tax payers.  This in turn could negatively impact tax collections by OLS.

2.Financials: BYTD, 2020 budget

YTD one outstanding tax and beach cleaning good (grading and prep starting next week)

3. 2020 Taxes – Reduced Interest vs. 90-Day tax deferral program

4. Beach Cleaning- Proposed changes in schedule

Changes in frequency of beach cleaning will be looked at for a way to decrease expenditures. Alternative cleaning schedules will be proposed and analyzed to determine if there are savings. MM will discuss proposed schedules for the summer with Anthony and report back at the next board meeting.

Other measures were looked at if revenues will take a hit.  Summer equipment such as the buoys, lines and anchors, and raft were discussed.  FM felt that having the raft out would promote the wrong message of social distancing.  MM will contact the insurance company and determine the financial impact by not putting raft out this season–table discussion until next meeting

5. Private Funding- Authorization for the BOG to seek private funding and bonding; Connection issues prevented TA from discussing.  Will revisit at the next BOG meeting

6. WPCA –

Vote: A motion was made to authorize the OLS President and WPCA chairman to pay the OLS Treasurer to provide the accounting functions (invoicing, collections, reporting, etc.) for the WPCA to OLS residents and that all residents equally share in the cost (benefit assessment),  operation and maintenance and usage of the sewer infrastructure system.

Discussion- Need an accounting firm to assist; we require specific services as an association

Motion passed. (FM/MKR)

Vote:  A motion was made to approve Fuss & O’Neill’s Engineering Agreement amendments #4 and #5 amendments #4 ($11,500) and #5 ($39,800).

Motion passed (FM/BE )

JH- Old Lyme Town easements
Vote :  A motion was made to authorize the BOG to authorize the OLS President & WPCA Chairman to sign the Town and private easements for pump station and for sewer pipes to cross through private and Town property to reach the pump station.

Motion passed (FM/PB)

JH- wants to ensure that the OLS website is updated with all recent WPCA notifications; looking for a web master who can post

Vote: A motion was made that the BOG approve the President to develop and sign an easement for a parcel in the ballfield for the installation of an estimated 12’ x 14’ shed for chemical control of the pump station.

Discussion: Attorney was consulted if the shed installation would devalue the land; legal guidance says we have the authorization to convey the easement to the town, the town will transfer the easement to back to the shared parties. Alternate sites were reviewed as well as lease terms and possible compensation from shared beach association interests.

Motion passed (FM/JH)

7. CWC – Wells, meter/laterals, schedule

JH- update regarding the CWC (refer to WPCA Update Message April 11, 2020-addressing water, pump station and force main, sewers, wells, roads, and stormwater management); delays due to Governor’s Stay Safe Stay Home executive order; should start in OLS in Mid-May to June.

BE- will authorize in May- but VMS may not be able to start until June on water main resulting in more construction in June than we thought; dozen easements required mostly for road radius issues on corner properties

JH- read 25 foot statement (refer to May 02, 2020 WPCA Update Spreadsheet)

Fuss & O’Neill has developed a summary of water source for each house within OLS. We have 75 wells and one cistern at OLS.  19 houses with wells are also connected to CWC.    We are awaiting a formal letter from DPH to provide direction on wells. We anticipate that homes with wells within the 25’ radius of the sewer line will be required to connect to CWC. The DPH requirements will apply to other town beaches and the Town /Ledgelight Health District will enforce.

We are also awaiting information on our request DPH / Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) for funds to assist well owners with a grant for water connections. Note that work under the DWSRF grant can not start until well after the CWC completes their project.

Information will be provided to each well owner once we receive the official direction from DPH.  Well owners are encouraged to connect to CWC and the DWSRF grant will offer incentives (25% subsidy, 75% grant with payment over 20 years).

CWC will not install a lateral unless you are a customer.

If well owners want to connect during the CWC installation of the water mains, they will be responsible to pay a contractor directly with no DWSRF benefit. Questions for CWC can be directed to Ms. Shannon Miles, Developer Services Coordinator for Connecticut Water Company.  (Shannon.Miles@ctwater.com /860-664-6074). Shannon recognizes each homeowner’s situation is a bit different and is prepared to have individual discussions with each homeowner to allow for more informed decisions.

Any CWC customer who wants deep service connection to their house should also contact Shannon.

8. Beach Cleaning for 2020-discussed above

9. Guard Update

Governor’s plan to start opening the economy May 20 and it is believed that the community will still be practicing social distancing for an unknown amount of time in the future.  OLS will adjust roles of the guards.  Hours may be cut down and call is difficult to make on this second day of May and readdress in June.

FM-  proposing one guard at gate (if two, opposite sides on street ) and not approach people in car; will stop car and look for sticker, keep windows up, asking for address if resident and place sticker on windshield and ask them to put on windshield, asking for resident host if a guest.

Cars stopping at the guard station also help maintain the 15 m/h speed limit of OLS roads.

Two guards on the beach and one at jetty; guards will not ask the community to social distance but will monitor coolers, cans etc but will maintain 6 feet distance.

Proposing no recreation (am and pm) for the summer

Looking into ordering signs for placement on the beach and the jetty to practice social distancing and will look into cost savings and common message on signs along with Old Colony Beach.

10. Miscellaneous:

2020 Directory-MKR is working on the directory; target date is June 2020

2020 Rentals- Governor Lamont ordered no short term rentals but if owner decides to do a short term rental, BOG cannot monitor  (standing order until governor says otherwise).

Board Member Update – Member Terms and limits; VP position open at the beginning of July

Discussion of BOG meeting at end of May and in June prior to OLSBA spring meeting- possible virtual but will need to explore technology to bring in public comments- will discuss at next meeting


Meeting was adjourned at 12:05 PM (MM/FM)


Minutes respectfully submitted by Joanne Gilland, Secretary Old Lyme Shores Beach Association