OLS BOG Meeting Minutes
Saturday February 22, 2020
223 Eastern Blvd
Glastonbury , CT
BOG Present:
Matt Merritt (MM), Cliff Winkel (CW), Pat Burns (PB), Bryan Even (BE), Frank Meaney (FM), MaryKate Reynolds (MKR), Tom Annulli (TA) arrived at 10:20, Norm Yester arrived 10:34, Joanne Gilland (JG)
BOG Absent: Joe Halloran (JH) (On phone);
Guests: One resident
Meeting called to order at 10:06 AM
FM approved minutes from 10/26/19 and seconded by CW
Public Comments: none
MM welcomed board members and said that there was a formatting error in the posted agenda (no topics #3 and 4).
Committee Reports:
Financials – NY/MM
Revenue and expenses in line with budgeted projection; a bit behind with beach cleaning but insurance increased a little.
WPCA/Sewer Update – JH/MM
Pump Station and Force Main
We are finalizing an easement for the pump station land we are also working on additional permits are required from DOT, DEEP and AMTRAK for the force main.
We are working with the Town of Old Lyme to obtain easements from the Town for the sewer pipes on town property and private property which are required before the bid process for the shared infrastructure project. We are in discussions with the Old Lyme WPCA to add Sound View to our Cost Sharing Agreement and amending our intermunicipal agreements with New London and East Lyme.
The Town has indicated that there will not be a Town meeting approving the easements until the Cost Sharing Agreement has been finalized.
Vote: A motion was made that the BOG approve the installation of an approximately 12’ x 14’ shed for chemical control of the pump station -JH
Discussion included possible location sites of shed. It was discussed that the chemical station has to be out of the flood zone; it will need an enclosure, a pad, and be fully contained. The ball field was offered in goodwill by former OLSBA president but current board wants more information and to look at alternate sites.
Motion was tabled for further investigation.
JH withdrew the motion
Vote: A motion was made that the BOG approve the Amendment #1 or the Fuss & O’Neill Engineering Agreement for the shared infrastructure with the OLS share of
$21,158.03. (new total $675,600)
Moved by FM; PB seconded
Approved by all
Vote: A motion was made that the BOG approve the Fuss & O’Neill Amendment #3 to our Engineering Agreement in the amount of $20, 400. (new total $831,600.)
Moved by FM; CW seconded
Approved by all
CWC Update – construction scheduling was discussed along with CWC customers and non CWC customers, wells, etc..
Bridge loan/ construction loans may need to be applied for to borrow for interim
Stormwater management-design of improved stormwater management plan is almost complete; plans reviewed with DEEP Coastal Area Management to utilize and enlarge the size of the crabbing rocks’ jetty pipe and an emergency overflow into Sheffield Brook. Engineers have followed up with DEEP and were informed that more rigorous permitting was required.
Security/Guards –FM/MM
OLS will again use their own residents as guards
Road Safety – TA/BE
Road safety and design was discussed and will be reviewed at the Spring meeting.
Buy-a-Brick and Directory– MKR
Few bricks have been purchased
Directory is under way; members will need to verify information at Spring meeting as well as through an upcoming mailing
Infrastructure Update – PB
Online Tax Payment – MM
Online payments are available with small convenience fee
5. Miscellaneous – MM
Billow Gate renewed by CW
Excess sand from winter storms and erosion will be carted away to Hawk’s Nest at their cost
Friday and Saturday 4th of July events (parade and beach activities on Friday and MCB on Saturday)
Same contractor for beach this summer that we used this past summer
Consolidating categories on financial statement; simplifying presentation
Evaluating showers and water faucets installed at the ends of each road.
6. Old Business
FM made the motion to adjourn the meeting and was seconded by TA.
Meeting was adjourned at 12:32 pm
Minutes respectfully submitted by Joanne Gilland, Secretary Old Lyme Shores Beach Association