When: November 23, 2019
Where: 14 Saltaire Dr. Old Lyme, CT
Members Present: Joe Halloran, Dede DeRosa, John Cunningham, Tom Annulli, Jack Reynolds, Pat Burns and Bob Palazzo

Joe Halloran called the meeting to order at 9:04 am.

Approval of Minutes of August 17, 2019 and September 4, 2019
Dede DeRosa moved approval, seconded by Tom Annulli. Unanimous approval

Treasurer’s report presented by Tom Annulli: Tom orally presented the treasurer’s report as well as comments on suggested on internal financial controls. He later forwarded these in writing and they are attached as part of these minutes.
Dede DeRosa moved approval, seconded by Joe Halloran. Unanimous approval

Project Update: Joe Halloran reported on project progress and on advice from our attorney, Bill McCoy. In light of positions taken by the Board of Governors and the Beach Association at meetings in 2012, and recommendations from Bill McCoy, three issues need to be addressed and decisions codified.
1. The benefit assessment for each house for the planning and construction of the sewer system.
2. The mandated connection of each house in Old Lyme Shores to the sewer system.
3. The individual homeowner’s responsibilities for work on their property.

A meeting of the WPCA was scheduled for 9:00 am December 14, 2019 at which a public hearing will be held to address these issues and action taken to confirm decisions and plans to implement construction and funding of the sewer system.

Joe Halloran reported on progress with the Town of Old Lyme on their plans to join with the three beaches in the development of the sewer system. While the Town’s processes are significantly behind ours, they will be required to pay their share of our common construction and legal fees. The Town still must approve easements for pipes for our systems to cross town roads. The Town’s Inland Wetlands Committee will be doing a “walk-through” with Fuss and O’Neill on January 4, 2020.

Joe reported that we have to provide easements for all work to be done on OLSBA property, especially on our roads, for construction companies to begin work. The final drafts of those easements will be prepared by our attorneys, but initial approval of easements is needed. Joe Halloran moved to approve easements for construction on OLSBA property, subject to detail by our attorney, seconded by Tom Annulli. Unanimous approval.

The Department of Health requires a 25 foot separation between a fresh water pipe and a wastewater pipe. The beaches have a request to establish a well zone in front of houses, with a heavy duty pipe for the nearby wastewater. Approval is anticipated, and wells could be maintained. A ten foot separation is required for wells used only for irrigation.

We have received a preliminary design report for the Storm Water Management System. Uncertainties remain concerning the drainage at the foot of Sheffield Brook and further discussions are needed before final designs are agreed to. Suggestions were made to use excess sand to rebalance the beach area where appropriate.

A discussion of the responsibilities of the WPCA recognized that, under state statutes, the WPCA has authority concerning design, construction, funding, and maintenance. Decisions and votes relative to the sewer system must be made by the WPCA.

A suggestion was made by Bob Palazzo to allow construction requests for proposals to be divided to allow companies to bid on specific parts of the project as well as to bid on the total project. This may prove advantageous, since some companies specialize in construction on highways which are in heavy use. It was agreed to explore this option with Fuss and O’Neill.

Public Input: Old Lyme Shores residents in the audience asked questions and made suggestions concerning plans, schedules, and procedures. Support and praise for the work of the WPCA was expressed.

The sequencing of construction of the water system, the storm water management system, and the sewer system was discussed. Plans in place are to install the water system first because the Connecticut Water Company is being sold and they have agreed, before transfer of ownership and beginning in January 2020, to put the system in place at their expense. That construction will maintain the seasonal limitation of seasonal homes.

Jack Reynolds moved to adjourn at 11:10. Tom Annulli seconded. Unanimous approval.