OLSBOG Meeting Minutes
Sunday – 10:00am, September 8th, 2019
56 Saltaire Drive
Old Lyme , CT
Attendees: Matt Merritt (MM), Tom Annulli (TA) , Norm Yester (NY), Frank Meaney (FM), Mary Kate Reynolds (MKR), Bryan Even (BE), Joe Halloran (JH), Cliff Winkel (CW) and Joanne Gilland (JG)
Also in Attendance: association member Al Roy
The meeting was called to order at 10:00 AM by MM
MM made a motion to accept the minutes from last meeting. (5/24)
TA seconded.
JH approves the minutes as amended
MM seconded
MM stated the purpose of this BOG meeting: Preparation for the Fall 2019 meeting.
NY: OLS association dues were due on September 1.
JH: Discussed projected agenda and updated FAQs that are posted on the website.
Amendment to 2012 resolution is a text change in obtaining funding; not amending the approved bond amount of 9.7 million.
TA made a motion to empower JH to contact an attorney to write up an easement for Connecticut Water Company (CWC) to install and maintain meter pits.
CW seconded
JH met with CWC to discuss timetable. Issues affecting timetable may include CWC is in the process of being sold to a company in California.
CWC installs mains, meter pit and lateral in 2020 . All homes will have a new meter pit installed. Construction during the summer was discussed and modified construction was approved at the previous BOG meeting.
OLSBA hires water contractor to hook homes up from the meter pit to the house.
Homeowners with wells can keep their wells and not connect to the CWC. If homes with wells want to keep wells and who currently do not utilize the services of CWC, the homeowner will be responsible for any inside the house plumbing to install a pipe stub to facilitate the hook up from the meter to the house.
Construction schedule: 2020 for water, 2020 – 2022 for the sewer
Discussion from governors regarding maintaining a safe road for passage of pedestrians and drivers.
JH recommended forming a subcommittee to determine width of roads but first decision of installation of speed tables must be looked at.
BE wants more time by the traffic subcommittee to decide on the details of possibility of speed tables. Recommendation is to have it completed by the end of September (speed table preference, discuss with engineers, road widths , etc.
BE- Would like an updated directory and have it published on the website.
MM- Homeowner CW gave the authority to the association to take down the plantings at the end of Billow.
MM motion to adjourn
End of meeting 12:50 pm
Minutes respectfully submitted by
Joanne Gilland
Old Lyme Shores Beach Association