OLSBOG Meeting Minutes
Sunday – 10:00am, August 25th, 2019
56 Saltaire Drive
Old Lyme , CT
Attendees: Matt Merritt, Tom Annulli, Norm Yester, Patrick Burns, Frank Meaney, Mary Kate Reynolds, Bryan Even, Joe Halloran, Cliff Winkel
Also in Attendance: association member Edmund Boryczewski (66 Billow Rd)_____________
(FM left the meeting at 11:45 AM).
The meeting was called to order at 10:00 AM
___TA made a motion to accept the minutes from last meeting. (5/24)
___FM seconded.
Matt Merritt stated the purpose of this BOG meeting: Preparation for the Fall 2019 meeting.
1. Old Business
2. Committee Reports:
Financials – Norm Yester
Balance sheet as of August 22, 2019: assets, expenses
Collection of association dues (due September 1)
Security/Guards – Frank)
MM discussed the summer and events.
FM discussed scheduling and pay scale. 1) Rainy days 2) Wage scale. Discussed structuring the wage scale next summer and capping hourly wage. Look for 14 to 15 year-olds to fill in gaps next summer (make a notice for need at Fall Meeting)
MM- Rules for golf carts and skim boarding may be discussed at Fall meeting; association’s responsibility to either accept, enforce, or regulate operation of carts.
Road Safety – Tom Annulli
(Road Safety will be taken over by BE.) Solar speed sign has been successful. Members have expressed interest in getting another for opposite direction.
JH- Speed tables (design in road to slow car speed); TA will discuss with Fuss & O’Neill in past. Will be looked at during construction of new roads; Road widths (verticals and cross streets) will be discussed at the Fall meeting. Aerials could be used to demonstrate the engineering of the road widths but final design has not been designed. Right of Way (row) is 30 feet wide.
OLS Asset’s – Bryan Even
Asset list need to be examined if any equipment has been changed
WPCA/Sewer Update – Joe Halloran
2 recent votes in Old Lyme-
1) approval of zoning board of appeals to allow pump station
2) overall bonding referendum resolution for Sound View which passed (helps pay for the pump station)
Pump station still has a major hurdle with the town of Old Lyme- request for special permit has to be submitted in fall and other regulatory requirements still to come
Discussion of need for short term borrowing; need for referendum for text change at Fall meeting to allow for part of project that is not bonded
9.7 M is still cost of project;
Posting in newspaper, website, etc.
BOG have to count Nays and Yeas with names attached to amend the resolution.
TA made a motion to move the amendment of the resolution
FM seconded the motion.
None against
All in favor
Association may need a certified audit in the future which has to be considered for budgeting purposes.
Goal is to coordinate work collectively so that hookups, etc done at the same time- improves the price, time of completion, etc.
Summer continuation of work may incur costs (minimum couple of hundred thousand dollars) to halt construction for the summer and may only advance the completion to the summer of 2022. Construction time completion estimated to 18 months. Do we want summer construction (yes/no)? Do we want a modified schedule? Old Colony and Miami Beach will have construction during the summer months. Has to start at Sea Lane and go up towards Rt 156. JH recommends that it is voted on at the Fall meeting.
Modified construction schedule is recommended but not a complete shut down because of the economic considerations.
All approved.
Identify change order to design of storm water management system. Recommended by the WPCA and voted to approve it at the WPCA meeting. Will need to be reimbursed by the association. Vote should be at the Fall meeting.
As an association Apply for additional grant from drinking water Department of Health state revolving funds.
All approved to put up for a vote.
PB made a motion.
TA seconded.
Website needs to demonstrate increased information for members to find out information regarding WPCA.
Beach Infrastructure – Patrick Burns
Old Colony Beach asked to have us increase the redirect some storm water flow to Sheffield Brook which should reduce costs.
Corrugated pipe removals were discussed as well as infrastructure improvements.
3. Utilities
4. Nominating Committee – Tom Annulli
All filled
5. Fundraiser – Frank Meaney
700 dollars were raised from the Saturday beach lunch grills for the Save Our Sound and the Petit Family Foundation. Picture and information to be printed in The Day on Wednesday 8/28/19.
6. “Buy-a-Brick” – Mary Kate Reynolds
On website- people are able to purchase. If quota is not met, money will be reimbursed. Sell 400 bricks and costs are covered.
7. Miscellaneous:
Tree was cut down on Sea Spray which was a safety hazard.
8. Fall Meeting
9/21/19 at the Lyme School Auditorium 49 Lyme Street Old Lyme.
(MM would like BOG to meet again 9/08/19
10:00 AM at 56 Saltaire Drive Old Lyme Shores in a short executive session)
Cliff Winkel, new member of the Board of Governors, has a wealth of construction and engineering experience.
Public Comments:
Ed Boryczewski submitted a letter that he wrote and photos regarding a blind spot at Billow Rd intersection with Shore Rd. Mr. Boryczewski made a formal request to the board to mitigate this obstruction of wall and shrubs. His concerns are to maintain safety.
The owner of the property is Cliff Winkel and it is his property as confirmed by engineered property lines. Mr. Winkel said that the shrubs have been cut back to the stone wall.
MM says association can take down to a height of 4 feet per association by-laws to maintain the safety of people entering and exiting Billow Rd.
Mr. Winkel and Matt Merritt will meet to remedy situation.
TA Made motion to adjourn.
PB seconded.
Meeting was adjourned 12:55 PM
Minutes respectfully submitted by
Joanne Gilland , Secretary OLSBA