Attendees: Matt Merritt, Tom Anulli, Norm Yester, Patrick Burns, Frank Meaney, MaryKate McGilley, Bryan Even, Joe Halloran,
Absent: John Cunningham
Also in Attendance: Guests including Mary Howley, Julia Nixon
The meeting was called to order at 6:01 PM
Frank Meaney made a motion to accept the minutes from last meeting.
Joe Halloran seconded.
Matt Merritt stated the purpose of this BOG meeting: Preparation for the June meeting.
Beach Conditions: na
Joe Halloran discussed the sewers and street project and his presentation for the Spring meeting
Frank Meaney made the motion to approve Tom Anulli and John Cunningham to be on the WPCA committee for another 3 year term
MaryKate McGilley seconded
Tom discussed budget to be presented.
Secretary will send out Spring Meeting announcement by mail and email
Infrastructure: na
Delinquencies on Tax Payments: na
Buy A Brick Project:
Available for spring meeting
Maintenance: na
Miscellaneous: na
Boat Registration: na
Street Signs:
Speed Sign ordered and will be delivered in midJune
Social Events:
Mary Howley discussed possibility of clam (lobster) bake.
Julia Nixon discussed Sat July 6 is the 4th July Celebration and all activities including Michael Cleary Band;
Carousel night is now August 3.
Frank discussed number of guards on road and on beach during holiday weekends and regular weekends, hours, etc. Recreation and movie night were also discussed.
FM made the motion to adjourn at 7:39 PM.
Seconded by MaryKate McGilley
Minutes respectfully submitted by Joanne Gilland, Secretary.