Old Lyme Shores Beach Association Board of Governor’s Meeting: Minutes from 4/27/19
56 Saltaire Drive
Old Lyme, CT
MaryKate McGilley-Reynolds
Frank Meaney
Bryan Even
Tom Annulli
Matt Merritt
Pat Burns
Joe Halloran
Joanne Gilland
Absent: Norm Yester, John Cunningham
1. Welcome
Meeting called to order at 10:03 am
TA approved the minutes from the 3/23/2019 BOG meeting
FM seconded
All in favor, motion passed
2. Beach:
Beach has a lot of lumber and debris from last 2 weeks of rain and wet weather.
Contract was signed with new beach cleaner who starts Monday with picking up debris; grading will be completed in mid-May.
Discussed the degrading styrofoam buoys and additional boat rack to keep them off the sea wall.
Beach pipes cleaned out from beaches; 80 feet of pipe replaced between Saltaire and Sea Spray
Three sinkholes on beach repaired.
3. Committee Reports:
a. Financials
Possibility of online credit card payment for OLSBA tax ; payable with a button on OLSBA website and comes with a small convenience fee.
Motion was made by TA to give electronic option to pay taxes- fee paid by payor
Seconded by FM.
All in favor, motion passed
b. WPCA/Sewer Update
Fuss & O’Neil were paid their fees; Clean Water Funds were approved this past April with the final sign off by the Attorney General.
Next step involves designing the system with an update on timeline (including permits and easements);
FAQ section on the website will highlight history of project and updates on design.
Pump station location still not set yet.
c. Security/Guards
Guard number, postings and roles were discussed
Back up professional guards are still in consideration for back up on weekends when guards are back in school.
d. Road Safety
Cracks, heaves, and potholes were sealed before the winter so that plowing could occur.
A radar speed sign that is portable will be purchased with the intent of slowing down motorists.
e. OLS Assetts
Physical assets have been catalogued with values associated with them.
f. Buy a Brick
Samples of Buy a Brick were present; images of engraving available; available for sale soon.
g. Infrastructure Update
Garbage pick up 2x/week to just 1x/week (Monday) pickup-
Recyclables 1x/week (Tuesday)
Comcast wifi on pole between OLS and Old Colony – will be able to put a camera looking down at the culvert.
4. Misc
Online boat registration live online; DEEP stickers available for OLS boat hulls.
Motion was made by MM to adjourn the meeting
Motion was seconded by PB
Meeting was adjourned at 12:30 pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Joanne Gilland