Board of Governor’s Meeting

June 2, 2018 at 9 am

56 Saltaire Road

Attendees-Paul Yellen, Polly Merritt-Maglio, John Cunningham, Matt Merritt, Maura Graml, Tom Annulli, Jay Moynihan, Norman Yester

Absent-Joe Halloran

Traffic Safety Plans for the Summer-Tom Annulli and Jay Moynihan

Last year’s improvements made to traffic safety, including slow cones and road painting, were very effective. Repainting of the roads will be done again this season.  The guards will be giving residents and visitors to OLS a one-page handout detailing our road rules again this year. Please remember to ask your contractors and vendors to do their best to park off our roads when performing services.

Anton Paving will be giving OLSBA an estimate to take care of trip hazards, such as potholes, on our roads.

Nominating Committee-Tom Annulli

BOG Vacancies-There are currently two vacancies on the Board of Governors.  As head of the nominating committee, Tom will be diligently trying to fill these positions before the Spring Meeting.

Officer Nominations to be presented at the Spring Meeting are as follows: Matt Merritt-President, Tom Annulli-Vice President, Norman Yester-Treasurer and Maura Graml-Secretary.

Discussion of 2018-2019 Budget Proposal

The mill rate will be the same in 2018-2019 as it was the previous year.  The budget will be presented and ready for discussion at the June 23rd meeting.

Appointment of Tax Collector

A motion was made by Tom Annulli to elect Norman Yester as OLSBA Tax Collector.   John Cunningham seconded this motion.  There was no further discussion and the motion passed.

WPCA Update- Tom Annulli on behalf of Joe Halloran
The WPCA is waiting for the East Lyme contract to go through their Commission approvals. They hope to have final version approved and signed by the end of June.  Waterford will be addressed after East Lyme.
The three beaches (OLS, Old Colony and Miami Beach) sent the land lease back to the town of Old Lyme asking for blank exhibits and schedules to be completed as well as other changes because they want to keep the option open for a pump station in Sound View.
After the East Lyme agreement is signed, the WPCA can then apply for the Clean Water Fund.  They are targeting the end of June. The WPCA members will meet with Fuss & O’Neill to review the existing drainage situation within OLSBA to obtain drainage improvement options.


Beach Communication Plan-John Cunningham

John has complied a set of tools designed to increase beach communication for the membership as well the BOG members. These will be introduced at the Spring Meeting.  Please consider using these tools to effectively communicate on the issues important to OLSBA.  The website is  Please register to be able to see and share content, participate in forums and post questions.

Freedom of Information Act (FOI)-Paul Yellen

A synopsis of what is included in the Freedom of Information Act was given.

Miscellaneous Information

The movies on Brightwater Beach will start June 29th. 

Billow Road will be the open road for the Fourth of July Holiday weekend.

The Hammer Law will take effect on Friday, June 29th this year.  Please make sure you inform your contractors and have all projects completed by this date.

John Cunningham made a motion to allow Terry Donovan sell fries during the Michael Cleary concert on June 30th at Billow Road. Matt Merritt seconded this motion, there was no discussion and the motion passed.

Tom Annulli made a motion to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Polly Merritt-Maglio.  The meeting was adjourned at 10:53 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Maura Graml, Secretary