WPCA Update for Old Lyme Shore Members (March 2018)

The Beaches (Old Colony, Miami Beach & Old Lyme Shores) had a meeting with DEEP on December 12 to obtain approval to apply for the Clean Water Funds for our sewer project without waiting for the Town of Old Lyme. The minutes of this meeting are included at the end of the March update for reference.

In order to proceed with the Clean Water Funds application, we need agreements with New London, Waterford and East Lyme.

Negotiations with each New London, Waterford and East Lyme are complicated and expensive because of each Town’s political and economic environment and agenda.  Political interactions between these Towns have undoubtedly slowed our progress in reaching agreements. The OLS WPCA committee members have been actively involved in negotiations to advance these agreements.

Listed below is a status of current negotiations:

– New London has again notified us on March 14, that there will be no further changes that the Beaches requested to the agreement which means we would have to start paying New London before we have a sewer system!  We believe that some changes are required to protect our interests. We are reviewing with our attorney the best way to proceed

– East Lyme –  DEEP issued an administrative order on Jan 25, to East Lyme to accept our wastewater and to negotiate with the Beaches for conveyance of our wastewater-  On Feb 8 we finally received 1st draft of agreement without the financials – We have asked for their buy in and other financial requirements. East Lyme would like us to participate in the construction of a new pump station and expensive repair of another.

– Waterford – On Feb 16, East Lyme requested for the 1st time that they receive a “buy in” for the use of their sewer system – we are waiting for a draft of an agreement detailing their requirements.

– DEEP – On Feb 16, DEEP issued a unified consent order to the Beaches to clean up our community pollution problems within 547 days!  This consent order will be posted on the OLS website.

We are attempting to get DEEP involved in the logistics and financing with New London, East Lyme & Waterford to expedite these agreements and to minimize our costs in these agreements.

 Old Lyme – On Jan 15, the Town WPCA sent letters to New London, East Lyme & Waterford indicating that Old Lyme is in the process of evaluating sewers and wants to be included in any agreement negotiations!  Old Lyme is continuing to provide sewers in Sound View and a water testing program in Hawks Nest.  The Town is reviewing a possible referendum in June for a vote on sewers in Sound View and a possible land lease with the Beaches!    Note that all residents can review the Town’s WPCA and Selectmen meetings on the Town’s website  -http://www.oldlyme-ct.gov

– Connecticut Water Company – On March 1, there was a meeting with Department of Public Health, Conn Water Company, & Fuss & O’Neill and Old Lyme to review the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF). Conn Water Co. confirmed that they would supply the water pipes (not labor) to upgrade the water pipes in Old Lyme Shores.

 Meeting with DEEP Dec 12, 2017

On Dec 12 the requested meeting with DEEP and Office of Treasurer was held at DEEP headquarters. In attendance were 7 DEEP and Dept of Treasury employees and Frank Noe (Old Colony), Scott Boulanger (Miami Beach) , Joe Halloran, Paul Yellen, Dede DeRosa (Old Lyme Shores), Glenn Santoro (bond attorney Robinson & Cole), Kurt Mailman (Fuss & O’Neill)

We received the approval of our Environmental Impact Evaluation in late September from the Office of Policy and Management. This approval was required before we could proceed with the DEEP meeting and before we could request Clean Water Funds.

We reviewed our progress on the wastewater project and received the approval to proceed with the application for the Clean Water Funds without the Town of Old Lyme. DEEP indicated that we were substantially ready to proceed but Old Lyme has not yet approved a referendum for sewers and there is no assurance that the referendum would pass.

Once we receive approval for the Clean Water Funds we will be able to start the design for our project. Design will take 12- 18 months and construction will take 12-18 months.

There is a lot of work required before we submit the application and it will take several months:


– develop and issue a new unified Consent Order to cover all 3 Beaches (Old Colony, Miami Beach and Old Lyme Shores)

– issue an administrative order to East Lyme to convey our wastewater

– review Clean Water Fund applications

Old Lyme Shores

– obtain easements for pump station and sanitary sewer main – these easements have been sent to respective homeowners

– provide financial information to Office of Treasurer to ensure we have ability to pay loans

– provide resolutions that we have authorization to enter agreements

Old Colony and Miami Beach

 obtain easements required from their residents and Town of Old Lyme

3 Beaches

– finalize agreement with New London to treat wastewater – in final draft for review and signature

– finalize agreement with East Lyme to convey wastewater – initial draft in process

Robinson & Cole 

– review New London and East Lyme agreements

– develop joint Interim Financing Obligation (IFO) for the 3 Beaches for design

– roll design IFO into four Construction IFO  – one for each of the 3 beaches and 1 for the joint project  (Pump Station and Force Main)

– develop Permanent Financing Obligations

Fuss & O’Neill

– develop 4 separate applications for Clean Water Funds – one for each of the 3 beaches and 1 for the joint project  (Pump Station and Force Main)

– develop project schedule

– schedule will include installation of force main with DOT paving of Route 156 in 2019

Joe Halloran

Chairman OLS WPA