As I write this, we have just finished a week of typical, crazy Connecticut weather. Almost 70 degrees one day, strong Northeaster of a storm another day, and more snow today. I was at the beach last Saturday and didn’t see a lot of damage, which is great. The drainage project at Sheffield Brook appears to have worked and I didn’t see any evidence of the flooding experienced in the past.
This will be an exciting year at OLSBA and we hope you will all be engaged and involved with our activities and meetings. All our meetings are open to the public and are posted as to date, time, and location.
We will be looking to fill a couple staff openings this year. Our Treasurer Sheila DeLutrie has resigned and our Secretary Maura Graml will resign as of June 30th. Their service and friendship has been very valuable to OLSBA. We look to fill the Treasurers position as soon as possible on an interim basis, then to be considered for election at our annual meeting. The Secretary position is also elected at our annual meeting in June. Both these positions are paid positions.
We also anticipate some openings on the Board of Governors to be filled by election at the June meeting. This group manages and runs our beach throughout the year and full, active membership is critical to our growth and our ability to react to problems as they occur. As an owner, YOU have a vested interest in our association, our growth as a community, and our success in serving our members. BOG membership does not require a large time commitment; several meetings a year and an occasional assignment to lead a project for the association.
If you have any interest or have any questions about our staff openings or BOG membership, please contact me at home, cell phone, office or email.
Thank you for your support and assistance!
Paul J. Yellen, President
860-564-8586 (home), 860-300-0875 (Cell), 860-230-3013(W),