JAN 20, 2018:   10:00 AM

14 Saltaire Dr. Old Lyme, CT
  1. Approval of Minutes of the OCT 7 Meeting
  2. Treasurer’s Report
  3. Report on Clean Water Fund Application
  4. Report on Old Lyme Land Lease status
  5. Review/Approval of Easements for Pump Station
  6. Review/Approval of Contract with East Lyme
  7. Review/Approval Of Contract with New London
  8. Review/Approval of Easements for Sewer Pipe
  9. Update/Approval of the Establishment of a company for Pump Station and Force Main
  10. Review/Approval of a Resolution to authorize the chair or other officers of the WPCA to approve present and future agreements
  11. Report, 2018 WPCA members’ term expirations