Old Lyme Shores WPCA Meeting
October 7, 2017 at 14 Saltaire Road in Old Lyme, CT 06371
Date and Time: October 7, 2017; 9:00 a.m.
Location: 14 Saltaire Dr. Old Lyme, CT
Present: Joe Halloran, Chair, Tom Annulli, Dede DeRosa, Jack Reynolds and Bob Palazzo by electronic connection
Joe Halloran called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m..
The minutes from August 26, 2017 were approved. Motion: Tom Annulli. Second: Dede DeRosa. Voted: Unanimous.
Tom Annulli gave an update of the WPCA financial status. We have $117,000+ in the bank. We owe $220,000+ which will be paid to F&O when bonding is approved, so we are approximately $100,000 in the red. Discussion followed concerning estimates of costs, sharing of costs with other participating organizations, costs of lawyers, and the specific capabilities of various advisors. We discussed the need to eventually determine who would be responsible for managing the waste system, including billing and expenditures. Also discussed was the legal structure for contracting—separate organizational entities versus a single collaborative entity.
Joe Halloran reported that the State of Connecticut has approved the Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) for the project. This is a major breakthrough and opens the door for other approvals. If, by any chance, our plan has to be modified – such as problem with the Town’s approval of our pump station—we believe modification to our EIE would be relatively easy.
Dede DeRosa had attended the recent Selectmen’s Meeting in Town at which the lease to us of the land for a pump station was discussed. It appears that the selectmen will vote to recommend approval of the lease. They are schedule to vote on Monday, October 16, 2017.
The Land Lease Agreement had been sent to WPCA members and Joe requested our approval to sign the agreement.
MOTION: To authorize Joe Halloran to sign the Land Lease Agreement with the Town of Old Lyme as well as approve any amendments which may arise along the way. Any material changes will be brought back to the WPCA. Motion to approve: Tom Annulli; Second: Dede DeRosa. Voted unanimously: Joe, Jack, Dede, Tom and Bob.
The process to approve includes review and vote by the Board of Selectmen, review and vote by the Board of Finance, a Public Hearing, and vote of approval at a Town Meeting. Approval at a Town Meeting depends, of course, on who attends. One advantage to the Town is that our lease funds will provide the resources to build bathrooms in Sound View. The Town will also be able to connect to and join our system in the future.
Joe reported that the agreement with New London was approved by both parties. A small snag developed as to the identity of the agency or agencies that would pay New London. New London wants a single entity, rather than three or four different governmental entities.
The agreement with East Lyme is, as previously, in place. East Lyme, too, wants clarity as to who gets the bill.
Progress on needed easements continues. An A-2 Survey is required and will be pursued.
We have been informed that the State plans to repave Route 156 from the Bridge to Rocky Neck in 2019. We will try to coordinate our project with their repaving to save us significant costs of highway paving.
The next WPCA meeting is scheduled for Saturday, November 11, at 9:00 a.m.
Tom will develop recommendations for procedures that provide transparency and confidence for all OLS residents concerning the governance and financial actions of the WPCA.
MOTION TO ADJOURN: Made by Dede; Seconded by Tom; Voted: Unanimously.