Old Lyme Shores WPCA Meeting
August 26, 2017 at 14 Saltaire Road in Old Lyme, CT 06371
Date and Time: August 26, 2017; 9:00 AM
Location: 14 Saltaire Dr. Old Lyme, CT
Present: Joe Halloran, Chair, John Cunningham, Tom Annulli, Jack Reynolds. Bob Palazzo attended through electronic connection.
Joe Halloran called the meeting to order at 9;03 AM.
The minutes from July 15, 2017 were approved. Motion: Tom Annulli.
Second: John Cunningham. Voted: Unanimous.
The agreement between the three beaches and New London was discussed and approved. Motion to approve: Jack Reynolds. Second: Tom Annulli. Voted: Unanimously.
Joe Halloran gave an update on the progress of the agreement with East Lyme. A draft of the agreement has been submitted to the East Lyme WPCA. We should have a written agreement for our review and approval within one month.
Joe Halloran gave an update report on the progress of the agreement with The Town of Old Lyme. A meeting was held with the Chair of the town’s WPCA who added “curve balls” to the agreement. They want to hold up our lease of land in Sound View for a proposed pump station until they have all needed agreements in place. Such a delay would slow us down possibly by multiple years. Joe and Dede represented us at a meeting which included representatives of the three beaches and their attorneys, Town representatives including the First Selectwoman and their attorney. The Town vote we expected this Fall will definitely not take place at this time. The Town must hold a public hearing and a townwide vote. They want to be included in the cost sharing agreement. We continue to explore all funding options with the Clean Water Fund with all approvals from DEEP and with the Office of Policy and Management. Agreements with the various agencies frequently take many months of review of documents we and our engineers have to submit. We continue to work on various easements and agreements that are needed.
Joe is preparing a projection of all expenses for presentation at the Association’s Fall Meeting. The research on this is being developed, again, by our engineering firm, Fuss and O’Neil. These costs, to each house, may be paid over 20 years. We will need to develop a plan and the organizational structure to maintain resources and to manage billing.
Joe requested an authorization to pay an additional $5000. To F & O, if needed, for liaison work with participating towns, especially with Old Lyme’s Planning and Zoning, for pump station approval. Motion to authorize an additional $5000: Jack Reynolds. Second: Tom Annulli. Voted: unanimous.
There was a discussion concerning possible political action on our part to expedite required approvals and agreements. No action was taken at this time.
Motion to adjourn at 10:36: Tom Annulli. Second: Bob Palazzo. Voted: Unanimous.