Our agenda will include, but not be limited to, a recap of our winter activities, a review of our budget status and proposed budget, the election of Board of Governors members and officers, current Board of Governors projects, beach security, and our summer activities.


  1. Welcome & Remembrance of Our Departed Members
  2. Committee Reports
    • Snow Plowing, Paul Yellen
    • Summer Special Events, Julia Nixon
    • Recreation Programs, Polly Merritt-Maglio
    • Gate Greeters & Beach Security, Polly Merritt-Maglio
    • Drainage – Sheffield Brook,  Patrick Burns
    • Beach Conditions, George Finley
    • WPCA,  Jim Zanovich
    • Traffic Safety, Jay Moynihan & Tom Annulli
    • Golf Carts,  Matt Merritt
    • Communications, John Cunningham
  3. Budget Review (FY2015-2016)
  4. Budget Approval (FY2016-2017)
  5. Board of Governors Elections – Officers & Members
  6. Member Concerns & Other Business