Old Lyme Shores BOG Meeting
May 7, 2016 at 15 Billow Road Old Lyme, CT 06371
Paul Yellen, President, called meeting to order @ 9:04 am
Attendees: Paul Yellen, Matt Merritt, Polly Merritt-Maglio, Jim Zanavich, Sheila DeLutrie, Patrick Burns, Jay Moynihan, Tom Annulli, John Cunningham, Maura Graml
Committee Reports
Snow Plowing: Paul Yellen
There was not one complaint from residents concerning the plowing of OLSBA roads and a lot less plowing was done for the Winter of 2015- 2016. This contract ends in 2017 and will be revisited at that time.
Beach Condition: Paul Yellen on behalf of George Finley
$900 total cost to remove a significant amount of debris (trees, etc.) from the beach. Beach sifting will start this week-May 9th
Previous bulldozing has blocked a pipe on Sheffield Brook which is a DEEP violation as is bulldozing the beach both above and below the high tide mark. We need special permits to do work on the beach; $4500 to $5500 to survey the beach. Patrick Burns is meeting with the DEEP on May 12, 2016 to discuss the timeline.
Summer Activities: Julia Nixon
Julia does not need funds for 2016 but will need a line item in the budget for 2017 of about $1500.
4th of July activities- Parade, sandcastles, races, ice cream, MCB on Saturday night, rain date on the following Sunday.
Ladies Brunch @ Water’s Edge on July 21, 2016 @ 10:15 am;
Carousel Night- July 30, 2016
Neighborhood Beach Party- August 6, 2016
Sheffield Brook: Patrick Burns
DEEP notice of violation of blocking the outflow pipe discussed. We will apply for permit to allow us to remedy this by putting in place a solution which would require contractor to maintain it during a storm event. This is not on our beach but it would benefit our residents to maintain it. Estimated cost of 99K.
WPCA: Jim Zanavich
Four meetings were held this week with all the beaches. East Lyme sent a letter to DEEP that they are willing to take on our flow. East Lyme is being very cooperative and good about doing things in a timely manner. Bride Brook pump station needs to be replaced and moved- unknown cost/how it will be run. East Lyme still has work to do with the DEEP to have this done- moved to Rocky Neck State park area. We are starting to draw up legal papers with East Lyme. Figures to be determined.
Waterford which is located between East Lyme and New London has been brought up to speed concerning this project. There have been several meetings with them to bring them up to speed. They have no problems with us- their fees are passed to East Lyme which would be passed to us.
New London is concerned with acidity and odor which in the past has corroded their pipes. We have assured them that we will put a sensor on our pipes to measure for problems- at the inflow and outflow. New London has verbally agreed to sell us the capacity we need- 500K gallons per day- we will be using 250-300K a day for the 3 beaches involved in the cost sharing agreement. The town of Old Lyme is not part of this. The rest of the capacity that we are not using will be for future expansion for Soundview and Hawk’s Nest Beach. The WPCA is in the process of drawing up the legal papers which should go smoothly. We will use the lawyer from OCB and reimburse them. NL put a tentative date of a signature of May 21st. If we can agree on this, we can sign and move forward on the Clean Water Act for funding.
The WPCA has had two meetings with the town of Old Lyme. The WPCA representatives have met with Bonnie Reemsnyder and Frank P. and Old Lyme has accepted the fact that this is happening. They are giving the green light to locating the single pump station in Soundview subject to the town vote. Soundview will be split off from Hawks Nest Beach until testing is done to determine Hawks Nest Beach’s pollution status. Part of the 500K capacity would be used for Soundview. December 31, 2018 is the estimated date for completion of this project. Old Lyme wants to become a full partner in the cost sharing. In addition, Soundview is the best location for the pump station as it will allow us to gravity feed 99% of our usage. The very low lying properties may need a different option but every house is a mandatory tie in.
Vote on revised cost sharing agreement: Jim Zanavich made the motion to accept the revised cost sharing agreement of April 25, 2016 Tom Annulli seconded the motion. All in favor and the motion carried. Jim resigned from the WPCA and the BOG as of July 1, 2016.
Summer Security and Security Service: Polly Merritt-Maglio/Paul Yellen
Vassell Security- $18.40/hr for guards from 8:30 pm to 2:30 am Fridays and Saturdays and Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends. Use our own resident teens for the 4th of July weekend.
Beach Greeters: Polly Merritt- Maglio
The 2016 Summer Schedule is all done. Movies are set, recreation program is in place. Matt Merritt proposed a new set up for the movie screen which would cost about $800. Motion to approve screen and structure not to exceed $1500 by John Cunningham and seconded by Jim Zanavich. Motion carried. Matt will pursue this.
Gate Schedules: Polly Merritt-Maglio
Gates start on June 24th for 8 weeks until August 21st. Only gates on Saturday and Sunday.
Traffic Safety Report: Tom Annulli and Jay Moynahan
Considerations are as follows: There are no sidewalks, we have shared roads, individuals must monitor and control their own behavior, with the imminent sewer project the solution must be temporary and there is a definite “rolling stop sign” issue.
Potential solutions are education, engineering and enforcement including letter/email to owners in the spring, recognizing weekend inflow of traffic, reminder handout from greeters, letter to vendors to comply, new signage, barriers, short vs long-term solutions.
Brightwater Clock– BOG discussed replacement of clock. No action taken.
Golf cart report: Matt Merritt
Enforcement is key. BOG discussed possibility of rules of enforcement. Paul with speak with Attorney McCoy concerning liability, etc.
2015-2016 Financials: Sheila DeLutrie
No updates. Under budget for beach cleaning and maintenance right now but we will go over for the beach cleaning. BOG will review line items and confirm/correct amount prior to annual meeting.
Nominating Committee:
John Cunningham to run the committee and come up with slate of officers for next year.
Meeting adjourned at 12:00 pm
Annual OLSBA Meeting to be held on June 11, 2016 at the OL Middle School.
Minutes submitted by Maura Graml, Secretary.