
  • Paul Yellen

  • Sheila DeLutrie

  • Patrick Burns

  • Matt Merritt

  • Polly Maglio

  • John Cunningham

  • Jim Zanavich

Meeting Goals

Winter projects – no major projects until the brook in spring

Beach Report

The seasonal salary for Harry Plaut is $14,400 which comes out to about $100 per day.

Considerations: Do we need the beach cleaned every day? Are there alternative hires? Do we need him for 5 months – May thru September? Yes – May cleanup is a lot of work, but he only works thru the first week of September

Paul Yellen made a copy of unsigned contract for Matt Merritt.

Revisit contract, obligations with Harry Plaut in early spring.

Traffic Report

Tom and Jay not present to report. Paul met with Mike McCauley last week to discuss traffic concerns. Reach out to Tom & Jay via email for traffic update.

Water Pollution Control Authority

Cost sharing agreement – Oct 8 OLSBA-WPCA met and voted to sign agreement, now Cost sharing agreement must go before our board for vote.

Under the Agreement if and when the town joins in they will have to pay the three beaches for fees (Buy-in, shared cost, down line cost/buy-in, etc.), The Town would also need to request inclusion as a voting member from the “three-beach” board in order to get become a vote casting member.

As of today two out of three beach BOG and beach WPCA will have signed the “Cost Sharing Allocation Agreement”, only Miami beach BOG and WPCA signatures remain

Potential Fees and cost allocation scenarios for recovery of the overall project for our Association were discussed. No one methodology has yet to be selected. That will occur through the OLSBA-WPCA Board and at a time closer to completion of our project.

Currently in negotiations with New London, Waterford, East Lyme tie-in seems to be moving forward with additional amendments, these fees are unfunded by state grant. It is hoped that final negotiations will allow for these monies to be paid over a 20 year period and nominal interest rate (2%?). All incurred cost will be shared the three beaches according to the Cost Sharing Allocation Agreement.

Our hope is for design in the Spring of 2016 and perhaps letting of the contracts in the fall with construction to start thereafter. However, this timeline is not firm with many variables yet to be resolved.

Jim to get copies of executed cost sharing agreement to BOG.

No further discussions.

Motions made to accept the Cost Sharing Allocation Agreement between the three Beach Associations. 1st by Patrick Burns, 2nd by John Cunningham.

President called for vote with the OLS BOG voting unanimously to accept and execute the cost sharing agreement. Paul Yellen, President, OLSBA signed the Agreement. Copies to our Secretary will be sent as well as to our Legal Representation (Robinson & Cole).

Beach & Gate Security

Nothing to report.

Night Security

Vassel be rehired for 2016. Start over Memorial weekend.

Snow Plowing

This is last year on Plaut contract, will negotiate next spring to renew or go out to bid.

Winter Residents

We now have a winter resident email list to use for important communications.

Drainage Report

Funding from HUD will be complete by late October, completion of project within 6 months finished by April 2016.

Requested funds from HUD $300,000; project estimate is $400,000. $900,000 grant also approved for Sheffield Brook clean up. Shortfall shared by two beaches of $100,000 must be voted on by BOG in Spring to take $70,000 from reserves (50K & 20% contingency). Total grant = 1.2 mil

Civil Engineer must be hired to find out which residents are pumping into the brook.

Website Report

Working on complete redesign and rebuilding the website and moving to new hosting service for 2016.

Golf Carts

Motion to send out golf cart email by Jim, seconded by John. Send out by email blast and hard copy to houses without email.

Municipality vs association means we can collect ticket fees.

BOG Vacancy Filled

Matt Merritt Appointment to BOG for remainder of Mark Phelan’s term

Motion to appoint by John, seconded by Patrick, BOG unanimously YES

Budget Report

Town subsidy amount in budget is wrong, was $13,200 reduced to $8,650 at last town meeting.

New request to give town our budget to determine 2016 subsidy.

94% of association taxes collected to date.

Approval of Fall Meeting Minutes

Motion to approve by Jim, second by Matt


Thank you note from Paul Rowean for gift.

Member Input

None to report.

New Projects

Repair sea wall from Brightwater to Billow. Matt to look into the project and discuss with Fuss & O’Neill. Property is owned by beach front owners with permanent easement.

Beach Movies

Matt to look into getting a new screen similar to Old Colony – $600 guesstimate.

Motion to Adjourn

Motion by John, second by Patrick.